Need tips on opening mouth to administer meds.


New Member
I'm trying to give the Baytril medication to my cham. I'm trying to give it when she drinks from the eye dropper; however, as soon as the syringe gets close to her mouth she clamps her jaw shut.

Any suggestions on how to get her to open her mouth????

I usually just (from behind) put my index and my thumb gently on either side of their cheeks, and they usually gape at this and - voila! It always works for me, anyway. Except with my nicest chameleon, he just won't gape for anything, so I have to inject the medicine into insects with a needle provided by the vet.
I remember reading someone saying "plug its nose"....sort of an obvious concept. I also have seen people suggest using a "credit card" (or similar piece of plastic) and wedge it between the lips.
I usually just (from behind) put my index and my thumb gently on either side of their cheeks, and they usually gape at this and - voila! It always works for me, anyway. Except with my nicest chameleon, he just won't gape for anything, so I have to inject the medicine into insects with a needle provided by the vet.

This works for me as well. I think site sponcer NWchameleons has some pics on how this is done if your still not sure
I too have trouble opening my chams mouth as well and I kinda feel bad prying his mouth open lol :(. My vet said to drop .02 or two drops from the syringe, which is double the .01 perscribed, on the cricket in a plastic cup or something and feed it to him. The reason for the increase in the dose is to make sure he at least gets the .01 perscribed. Hope this helps.
I like to wait until my cham shoots a cricket or feeder and while they're chewing on it I squirt it into their mouth real fast. That way I'm not having to pry their mouth open so it's not a bad experience. My jackson liked the taste of it.
I like to wait until my cham shoots a cricket or feeder and while they're chewing on it I squirt it into their mouth real fast. That way I'm not having to pry their mouth open so it's not a bad experience. My jackson liked the taste of it.

Nicely done :) good idea
i'm not sure if it has been said, but you can always inject or apply the dosage onto the feeder if your cham is sure to eat it right away.
i never did like baytril. it is sticky if not worked with quick
I like to wait until my cham shoots a cricket or feeder and while they're chewing on it I squirt it into their mouth real fast. That way I'm not having to pry their mouth open so it's not a bad experience. My jackson liked the taste of it.

This is what I did as well, it normally took me two crickets to give the full dose (I think it was like 1 ml ).
Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately, she isn't eating so I can't give her the meds on crickets. I'm giving her water via eye dropper and then switching to Baytril. She is getting some of the Baytril when I try to get it into her mouth, but I don't know if it's enough. I'm extremely worried about her condition at this point and don't know if she's going to make it. She's constantly sleeping. However, I'm not giving up. She is also bright salmon colored. Do young females turn this color when they are sick? She's only 6 months...could she be maturing early?

i read in a book to gently pinch the front part on the bottom of their mouth. when i got home i tried it and it worked.

Thanks owowsedthecow,
I tried it this morning, but she didn't respond to that method either. I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner, but I put the medicine in water to dilute it to make her think it's the water. I've gotten half the medicine in so far.

She also pooped this morning. The first time in days. I can tell she is dehydrated so today I will up the showers and drinking frequency and hope she starts looking better. She looks awfully thin today. :(
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