need to know if I'm doing this right


New Member
Female jacksons chameleon. I don't know her age. Less than a year.
I've had her for two days.
She was in a tiny glass tank at pet store.

I don't handle her much, but her color is green when i do.

Glass and mesh tank. 18Lx18wx36h.
I have a dripper and mist 3-4 times a day for about 10-30 minutes depending on when she quits drinking.

She ate 2 crickets yesterday. Nothing this morning.
I have a UVB bulb and a red 50watt. Run all day, turn both off at night.

She likes to close her eyes from time to time during the day. Mostly keeps them open.

Her color was black patched when i turned the lights on this morning.

Basking temp is 80° and humidity is 70-75.

Midrange temp is 70° and humidity is 65-70.

The temp this morning was 70° for both areas.

She is blind in her left eye from an eye infection.
Left eye did something weird this morning. It was like the eye ball was covered by the outer part. It eventually straightened itself out. Is that something to worry about?

I'll try to get pictures as soon as i get home.


Well, no eating today. Only 2 crickets yesterday. Tried super worms or meal worms or whatever they're called, in addition to crickets. I did mist her 3 times after i got off work. She drank for a little bit on 2 of them. 3 drinking times total counting the one this morning. I left her dripper on all evening and just emptied the collection every now and again. Idk if i should leave 2 ccrickets in there in the morning or not while I'm at work. I'd hate for them to crawl on her all day and she is supposedly blind in her left eye, although I'm not convinced yet.

Idk what to do. Any suggestions would be really helpful and greatly appreciated. I feel like a worried mom, like when my daughter was born.
I would take her to the vet to get checked out if you haven't done it. Vet visits to check for parasites are a great way to start if you don't (or even if you do) know the breeder. Try to take in a fresh stool sample if you can.
I am glad she has a decent home. I would get a plain white bulb and replace the red light. I would try to set up a dripper for a good part of the day while you are gone. If you can without causing a flood for yourself. If you are able and want to take her to the vet it would be good to know what is going on with her eye. She looks pretty good and I would not worry if she doesn't eat for a few days, she is just settling into a decent home. She will be happy soon.
I am happy to report that miss milly has pooped! Never thought I'd be excited about poop, but i am. I got rid of her substrate/bedding and replaced it with some white absorbing cloths. I was finally able to see her poop. It looked wonderful and the urates were white.

Also, i left a cricket in her habitat this morning before i left for work. I couldn't find it when i got home. I hope she ate it and not that i still can't find it. (I looked hard-twice)

I have an appointment for her at the vet on Friday. just wanted to get her checked over.

Quick question: if i bring a stool sample, how fresh does it need to be??
Fresher is always better, but if you get some the day before, put the sample in an ziplock bag and you will be ready to go. Also lots of us get excited about poop. It is a good what to help gage the health of your cham, and we all love our chams.
Laurie, thank you for all your advice.

This morning was better than i expected. She drank well without turning her patches black and she ate TWO crickets! Whoo hoo!!!

Today, i won't have class and will be going to get a white basking bulb instead of the red one like Laurie said.

Vet appt on Friday to get her examined.
Busy weekend.
I happy to report that milly has received a clean bill of health at her appointment Friday. They gave me some suggestions about her drinking habits. I got a timed mister and started it last Wednesday. She absolutely hates it. Her black patches come out every time it comes on. She tries to hide from it too. I hate it for her, but I am having trouble keeping the humidity up. It does seem to help. The pet store suggested live plant and a retpti-fogger.

Any comments on that?
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