Neonate Jackson colors?


New Member
Hi all, I am new to the chameleon world. I have two beautiful Jacksons ones Male and the other Female. I have a question about there colors? I house them together in a 18X18X36 cage, there brown most of the time but when its bed time they turn a nice green. When will they stay green? is it because it could be stressful with them together, instead of their own cages? Their both 3 months old.
Hi all, I am new to the chameleon world. I have two beautiful Jacksons ones Male and the other Female. I have a question about there colors? I house them together in a 18X18X36 cage, there brown most of the time but when its bed time they turn a nice green. When will they stay green? is it because it could be stressful with them together, instead of their own cages? Their both 3 months old.

Yes, they will stress each other if kept together in a cage that small. Separate them. The brown color is a sign of stress in older jax. Very young jax are not really green most of the time. It is normal for them to turn a paler green while asleep, but depending on their age they may turn brown when awake. As adults they should be green.
Yes, they will stress each other if kept together in a cage that small. Separate them. The brown color is a sign of stress in older jax. Very young jax are not really green most of the time. It is normal for them to turn a paler green while asleep, but depending on their age they may turn brown when awake. As adults they should be green.

ok thank you for your input, I will get them another cage.:)
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