Neonates from a 2nd retained clutch. The good and the bad


Avid Member
Well at the moment things are pretty busy raising babies and school but I thought this was interesting so I figured I would share. This clutch is the 3rd clutch laid from a female of mine (2nd retained sperm clutch). The first clutch was laid was 24 eggs, all babies hatched, didn't loose any and are all perfect. Second clutch, same story only 27 eggs, those babies are about 2 months old and I haven't lost a baby yet from that clutch either. Well this 3rd clutch was 29 eggs. 11 of them went bad during incubation, and the babies are looking pretty weak that are hatching. out of the 18 remaining eggs, i have 15 out and crawling around, and maybe 10 look hopeful... A few of the eggs started to sweat and never hatched, so I opened one up to find this...

Just a crude reminder of how things pan out sometimes..... Unfortunate, but things like this happen.
On a brighter note, hopefully these end up making it out healthy. The baby photographed above never made it out of the egg.

You can see all the moldy bad eggs around them.

Hopefully these guys live to see adulthood. Cross your fingers!


Its right leg looks funny. looks like its inverted.
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