Never seen my chameleon drinking?

I have had my veiled for 10 months and very rarely see him drink. I have a 4 month old female who drinks infront of me. Just pay attention to the urates and the eyes. But as so stated the urates are white so you probably just have a shy drinker

Try to check the skin elasticity too
And the thickness if the saliva
And firm and water content in the poop

urates and eyes only are not reliable Enough

Wow it sounds like I am pretty lucky i see my chameleon drinking everyday and he will even drink drops of the end of a small syringe for me i have been doing that so in case i have to give him medicine someone in the future it will be easier
I like the beardy line lol
That made me laugh! That and the “frills at the dropper...” made me think of these guys in jurassic park @nightanole

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