Never seen my chameleon eat


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Help advice: Never seen chameleon eat

i put about 8 pretty big size superworms in a feeding cup every day i dont count them out. but iv never seen my chameleon eat. i saw him eat a piece of the money tree leaf and iv seen him drink but never use his tongue or eat out of the dish. now i put the superworms in the dish and they kind of just walk in the suppliments (calcium/nutrients.. since the dust doesnt stick to superworms. since there walking around in it all day. does that mean their eating the dust and it is till getting into my chameleon? here are some pics hes about 3-4 months. he turns dark when hes soaking up the sun (in these pictures) iv had him about a month. i also have my computer desk right next to the cage so he sees me sitting their for about 4 hours per day.. thanks again


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the spikes behind the crest of his head are also turning brown. im not sure if thats maturing or hes too close to the 25 watt heat bulb that puts out about 90 degrees..and yes you all are going to bitch.. im only feeding him superworms..
yep cut him off from only supers.. not to good,plus your chameleon will get spoiled on those and only want those. It leads to hunger strikes. You should switch up your feeders to at least crickets. Get some weight on that lil GUy /girl. Is it pooing good and all? And how often. ALSO HOW LONG HAVE YOU ONLY BEEN FEEDING SUPERWORMS?? This will lead to digestive problems and compaction i believe.. crickets will have a softer exoskeleton then the super. And then there are a few more worms u can offer horn worms,silk worms calci and a couple others. look up food and supplements also. you do not want to keep muti vit in the feeder container, your chameleon can pretty much OD on vit A or calcium what ever of the 2 you are leaving in the container the supers are crawling in. well im sure a few more people on here will shout you the right direction also. And just keep reading and searching on the top of this forum for anything else you would like to read about.
I'm also wondering about the spikes turning brown. I've noticed this on my cham recently too. His basking spot is about 8-12 inches from his lights/top of the cage so I don't think he could have actually burned himself on the screen. If anyone knows about this please let us know
the spikes behind the crest of his head are also turning brown. im not sure if thats maturing or hes too close to the 25 watt heat bulb that puts out about 90 degrees..and yes you all are going to bitch.. im only feeding him superworms..

so you know your husbandry isn't good, but you continue to do it....

Like Eliza said, have you seen him poop? Try filling out the "how to help" form
A few concerns...I don't really see a whole lot of green in his cage. Cant tell if those are live or fake leaves. He NEEDS both. A good size live plant will not only provide extra humidity but it gives more surface for water drops. Remember, they get their water by licking the water off leaves! A large plant also provides more room for him to move around on and privacy.They self regulate their temp by moving up or down as needed. Cant tell how old he is, but, from the looks of it pretty young. I keep the highest basking point for my young ones at about 82-85 degrees. I prefer a schefflera arborcola plant. Very hearty. As for the superworms, large ones are most likely too big for him. Lay off those. I agree with some of the earlier posts that they are too fatty and I only use them occasionally. My chams are on a staple diet of crickets. Very easy to gut load and dust. Yes, stores do gut load and dust, however, you need to make sure they are well gut loaded with oranges, apples, carrots, sweet pot...etc.. I would put 6-8 crickets in at a time and if he eats them all, try a couple more. I never leave uneaten ones in there as they will nip at your little one. Free range feeding also gives them more exercise. Good luck and keep asking questions. You can never learn too much!
i have a money tree. which is real and yes he poops its white and black. imm prboably get some crickets. as far as health wise does he look ok? i dont see a bent spine like MBD. i also have some branches and fake vines for him
i have heard of the money tree bamboo tree being toxic. maybe not a good idea. its just best to have as much hiding spots as possible.. umbrella tree pothos and all kinds of safe plants for chameleons. plus cool fake plants of any kind. just watch out for reds with the veiled chameleons some freak out and hate red. at least mine does. any shades of red.
but to the point just get your crickets figured out. your dusting and proper supplements/calcium. and only give the worms a couple times a week. crickets and roaches would be your best staple. He will eat mustard greens also and yellow squash. this will thicken him up. he is young though so the ribs showing a lil is ok i believe. other then that he looks good. get more foliage and a drip system going or make sure to mist the cage heavy a few times a day at least. keep humidity levels good to.
ya my chameleon stoped chewing and droped the superworm when i walked up to the cage.anyways thanks for the help u guys seem pretty cool.
I was looking at a moneytree at costco, pulled my phone out and looked it up. There on the toxic plant list. Its a good idea to research any plant prior to putting it in your enclosure. While your doing a little research look at a couple enclosure threads to see how others set there enclosures up
I read alot. I heard only some species are toxic. Plus the breeder at chameleons finest says.its cool

reading a lot donst mean much, if what youre reading is wrong ;P

and just because someone says "its cool" dosnt make it accurate

id like to say its cool to put babies in the microwave, trust me, its cool.
it also sounds like he may be wary of eating while youre around, so maybe consider placing the cage in a less trafficked area of the house.
ha. but ya who would u rather believe. some people on a forum or the guy that breeds them.. and i will take all the advice into consideration
the people on this forum have years of experience and know what they are talking about. Also the safe plant list you were just referred to was posted by a breeder also. Everyone is just looking oit for the best interest of your chameleon. so if you really care about your chameleon ( which I assume you do cause your asking for advice on our forum) then I would take the advice and remove the plant if only for your chameleons sake.
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