New addition AKA another craigslist find!

We brought this fellow home today. A very nice family was looking for a new home for him and they chose me and my hubby as his new family.

I wanted to name him Reggie (always wanted to get a Jackson's and name it Reggie - baseball fans will get that ;-) but they had named him Karma and they had such a story about him and were obviously very fond of him so I could not change it. So his full name is now "Karma Chameleon AKA Reggie Jackson"

They are huge! He is a big boy! And he was well taken care of. The family that had him found him in Laguna Beach a couple years ago. They never found an owner so they think he is one of the mythical group of wild chameleons roaming Laguna Beach. I don't know about that but we are very happy with him.
I am a tad jealous! All I find on Craigslist are poor puppies and kitties that someone is ditching for whatever reason...ranging from "moving" to "kills the chickens" :mad::(
Im no sure about laguna but i know they are running wild in slo and are thriving down there so maybe

The hubby and I have been up there and in Morro Bay several times looking for them ... never have found one.

We love Morro Bay so we take weekend trips up there - not just to search for chameleons!
The hubby and I have been up there and in Morro Bay several times looking for them ... never have found one.

We love Morro Bay so we take weekend trips up there - not just to search for chameleons!

morrow bay is awesome there is this one joint on the peir i can't remember but when we go down there we always go to it they have the best roast beef and au juise sauce sandwhiches around not sure i spelled that right. My aunt and uncle live in slow and will come across them from time to time hanging out on their lemon and orange trees. i'd love to move down there but its waaaay to expensive for me!!! but you gotta love the polly dollies!!!:cool:
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