Hey! I've finally gotten my Bearded Pygmys! They are great! The male has bred two females and the other one is gravid! What is their gestation period length? Any comments will be appriciated.
Ya! I can't keep the male off the females! He sure loves them! He ran across the enclosure and mounted one and I was like wow! He mounted Aphrodite and Hera today. Hera at the Reptile show right in front of me, and Aphrodite at his new house!
It is hard to tell in the pics. Mine never looked huge, and then would lay 4 eggs. Could be anytime. Just make sure your substrate is damp, then one day when you look in to check on them you might find her butt down in a hole. Or they can lay when you are not looking but afterwards they look real thin.
Then I just dig around for them? I have half of it covered with Frog Moss, they can still dig through it though. But it got a little dry and I had to soak it when I put them in there. She is pretty big, bigger than the other ones, so Mike knew she was gravid. Hopefully she does it soon. Thanks Juli.
Well, Mike said within the next week, its been almost a week and shes still fat. I'm hoping tonight or tomorrow. It will be awesome! Keeping my fingers crossed for myself.