New Ambilobe Panther owner looking for right setup

So far that looks good. Try to get fresh poop thats not dried out quite yet. But from what I can tell that is a healthy poop, he is nice and hydrated.
Awesome and will do. Finally got my order of bugs from reptilian arts. Not sure if anyone heard of them. But good prices and everything came alive and over count. Got silk worms, BSFL, and Dubia roaches.
I "handled" Spike ONCE since I've gotten him home. That was when I opened the lid of the tupperware he was in while being shipped, and he sprang out like a bat out of hell. Never saw a chameleon move so fast lol! He ran onto my hand and I could tell he was quickly gonna jump off my hand, so I just kept putting each hand in front of the other letting him continue to walk on my hands until I got him to his enclosure.

That was it. Hasn't been handled since then.

I've hand fed him twice (1 bug each time. He wouldn't do any more). Usually he rejects bugs on my hand.

I've tried twice to put my hand near him to see if he would cooperate. Both times he got pretty defensive/aggressive and retreated if I didn't pull my hand away.

I think this is a case by case basis, but I would be real slow and gradual with this personally. Unless your chameleon seems 'receptive' to your hand regularly. Remember, he is probably still even getting used to his new home! So you trying to handle him could also be extra stressful for him, for now. I personally waited until I felt Spike was pretty comfortable in his enclosure before I even tried to hand feed.

Even now, about almost a month and a half of having him home, he is still even getting used to his enclosure IMO.

He seems totally fine with me hanging out near his enclosure and checking him out. He even seems okay with me setting up his bugs while he is basking, inches away. Work in progress!
Awesome sounds like he’s warming up! My guy (Rex) he is definitely used to me already. He normally doesn’t move when I put my hand in to feed him and goes towards the bowl for the worms. I tried hand feeding he didn’t seem like he was into it. But he is very receptive to me and if I hang around cage when he’s eating.

When others are around he’s much more shy. So I think I got lucky here and he’ll warm up to me handling him, which I haven’t tried yet, but like I said I go right next to him and he doesn’t move when I’m feeding.
Awesome sounds like he’s warming up! My guy (Rex) he is definitely used to me already. He normally doesn’t move when I put my hand in to feed him and goes towards the bowl for the worms. I tried hand feeding he didn’t seem like he was into it. But he is very receptive to me and if I hang around cage when he’s eating.

When others are around he’s much more shy. So I think I got lucky here and he’ll warm up to me handling him, which I haven’t tried yet, but like I said I go right next to him and he doesn’t move when I’m feeding.
Sounds like you did!!!
Next agenda is building something to lift it off the ground. May take me awhile I’m a big time constrained. But I’ll get it done eventually
Just make sure to share pictures when your project is done! That’s one thing I love about this forum is everybody shares their fun projects.
Absolutely will do! Do you have any idea where to find a drainage tray for the repti breeze xl? I bought a different brand one that said was 24x24 and didn’t fit.
Absolutely will do! Do you have any idea where to find a drainage tray for the repti breeze xl? I bought a different brand one that said was 24x24 and didn’t fit.
Wire racks work great with a bin under


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Or another way? Since the repti breeze xl the bottom is just open and there’s a solid black piece of wood (or some synthetic) that lays on top of the bottom to create a floor.
Just use that piece of plastic and drill a few holes in the center. Put a potted plant on the center so the plastic bows toward the center and water will just drain out of those holes
Best thing about it is the rack is wide enough to have two enclosures!
I found one that’s perfect for my setup now. It fits my enclosure and the plastic rack I have next to it to hold everything exactly so should look nice and clean. Just ordered it should be here within a week. Thanks for the advice! Saved me from being a handyman with a saw and screw gun for a day lol.
Awesome and will do. Finally got my order of bugs from reptilian arts. Not sure if anyone heard of them. But good prices and everything came alive and over count. Got silk worms, BSFL, and Dubia roaches.
I’ve used them before they are pretty good 😊
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