New and need help please?


Avid Member
Hi guys, I am new to this and to chameleon loving. I had a question about my dear little boy Charlie. I did not buy him, I was given him. He's fairly chill. He likes to hangout on my hands and shoulders and attempt to climb up my hair and he gets a real kick out of climbing up this belt I attacked to my window sill. Regardless I was wondering about his poop. I've included pictures of him and it. Does he need more water? How can I fix this if there is something wrong? I tried using the dripper but he doesn't seem to like it. He likes the spray bottle much more. Should I force the dripper anyway? I appericate any advice.


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Thank you! I will definitely check out both links. Also thank you for thinking Charlie is handsome, but sadly he is too young to date (has to be 16) lol. Just kidding. But that does remind me, possibly is there anyway to tell his age? As I said I was given him and the person who had him before was awful and didn't know his hatch date or anything (it was my cousin so I can say that). I believe him to be between three and four months old because I was lurking other forms and someone had a picture of their panther who was 6.5 months old and Charlie didn't look quite that size yet.
Thank you! I will definitely check out both links. Also thank you for thinking Charlie is handsome, but sadly he is too young to date (has to be 16) lol. Just kidding. But that does remind me, possibly is there anyway to tell his age? As I said I was given him and the person who had him before was awful and didn't know his hatch date or anything (it was my cousin so I can say that). I believe him to be between three and four months old because I was lurking other forms and someone had a picture of their panther who was 6.5 months old and Charlie didn't look quite that size yet.

I'd guess around 5 to 6 months old.
Hey Charlie,

Have you tried any water fountains? You have to becareful most water fountains leak in the enclosure and create a swampy smell.

I purchased BioBubble cantina from amazon-- it's only $20 bucks with prime I got free shipping-- was here in 2 days. My Veiled loves drinking from it-- there are videos of how the Chameleons drink water out of it.

My guy didn't like the whole water in the cup which they don't seem to like very much. I always spray water 2 times a day with a regular sprayer on their Pothos plant so they drink from the plant but it's a good idea to leave something.

If the drip or the cantina doesn't work, I would spray water on the plants more heavily until he learns his water source-- but any water dripping with sound/vibration like a mini fall/fountain should get their attention.


Thanks for the heads up, that seems like it would be worth it to invest in. So far I've been spending all of my time looking up vitamins and such for the little dude. Today he has had one eye closed and I read that that means lack of vitamin A also I'm looking into a new enclosure being as I think he has outgrown the one he was given to me in.
have you tried liquid calcium? to the mouth.

Why liquid Ca? Is he showing signs of MBD? I don't see that.

IMHO, the first thing to try if you are concerned about an eye is to get him set up at the proper humidity level, get him on a better diet and a proper supplementation schedule. Closing an eye could be due to several things. Eliminate the simplest ones first. If he still closes one or both eyes after you think he's well hydrated and eating correctly, that is time to consider a single small dose of vit. A. It is easy to overdose and can cause its own problems if so. Better to be conservative at first as you don't know exactly what he did and didn't get before the other person gave him up. He should be glad to find you!
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No, what is that and where can I get it? I finally figured out how he likes his dripper and got him to drink a lot of water from it today, which settled me a little. I also gave him alot of actual sun basking time and didn't try to handle him so he could feel completely at ease. I'm checking again tomorrow to see if his eye/eyes do the same thing again. Other than that he seems relatively healthy...well he jerked once but I think it was because I startled him. He's sleeping peacefully now. And yes I realize you don't actual need all of this extra information.
Thanks for the advice I will will go over his eating schedule and temp/humidity levels first thing in the morning and make that isn't the issue and work from there. All of you have been so very helpful. I really do appreciate it. Thank you very much.
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