new baby cham what am i ?


New Member
Got a new cham this weekend the person we got it from said it was a female veiled but we went to repticon today and was told 2 diffrent other breeds so my question is what type of cham is this and is it male or female thanks for the help!


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wat kind of cham am i ?

I got this cham last week and was told it was a female veiled.but i think it may not be.i went to repticon today and was told from 2 people 2 diffrent breeds so can someone please tell what kind of cham this is and if it is a male or female thanks!


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Looks like a Senegal chameleon to me. If I'm not mistaken Senegals are sexed the same way veileds are sexed. So spur=male no spur=female. Correct me if I'm wrong someone!
@Rango57 I merged your two threads. Please do not create multiple new posts on the same subject.

For some of the other people who have replied to this thread, this forum is under special moderation. Anyone who replies to a thread must clearly justify their identification. This is not a forum for guessing. If you’re not confident in your identification, or are unable to offer solid reasons to support your conclusion, then please do not post.

This is a strict policy, but we believe it’s crucial that owners know the species of chameleon they are trying to care for and not get confused by people making guesses. This is also true for future chameleon owners who may read these threads.


Now that site business is out of the way, the animal in question does appear to be a female Chamaeleo gracilis as CarlC said. (Male Graceful Chameleons have a tarsal spur and large hemipenal bulge) However in some photos she appears not to have ear flaps, a smooth dorsal crest and the scalation, particularly the white stripe, is rather homogenous and those indicate a Chamaeleo senegalensis. If you could get some clear photos of the side of her head that would help us to further identify her properly.
As has been mentioned, In a couple of the photos this chameleon appears to show occipital lobes, suggesting it is Chamaeleo gracilis. That said, I think this is an artifact of the photograph and based on what appears to be a general lack of occipital lobes, in conjunction with the highly reduced dorsal crest, I think this is actually Chamaeleo senegalensis (C. gracilis generally has a slightly larger dorsal crest). Some additional photographs, particularly of the side of the head, would help confirm, however.

Sorry I should have included why I said gracilis.

As Trace and Chris mentioned I based it to be gracilis on the small occipital lobes.

Sorry for the screw up thank for fixin da post well here are the picks but thanks to everybody for your suggestions!


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