New Baby Chameleon Sleepy??


New Member
yesterday I got a baby female chameleon(3inches) for my Girlfriend(i own a male veiled). I'm keeping her in a 20gallon tank until she get a little bigger. I have 16"-16"-30" on order that i plan on using. I have 2 repti glo 5.0 bulbs going and a 60watt blue bulb zoned off in the corner of her tank.

At the pet store there were a couple of chameleon that were at the bottom of the tank that looked kinda sick. She looked good at the store so i got her.

I'm noticing that her eye is a little swollen and she is rubbing it on things.

She is also a lot less active then my last chameleon. She seems to have her eyes closed and sleeping a lot.

i have seen her eat though. She caught 1 cricket. And a bunch of fruit flies.

Any suggestions? Should i be worried or is she just a little stressed out because of the move??
If she's rubbing her eyes maybe a long mist might help a bit if there's something in it... I'm no expert but as far as sleeping during the day goes it's not a good sign... Wish i could suggest more! hope shes ok.... Someone with more experience can weigh in but pics and filling out the help form will really be a whole lot helpful for anyone else to give advice... Good luck with her.
I am new also but 2 ubv lights? Might be what is making her close her eyes. Too much ubv? and why a blue bulb?

I am sure someone with a lot more experience will come soon :)
2 UVB bulbs does sound like too much. If it were me, I'd shut one UVB bulb off, remove the blue bulb entirely, then check the temps.

You might not need to add any heat at all for a baby or you might just need a low wattage bulb for a little heat. Babies really don't need the sort of heat adults do. 80 degrees would be hot enough.
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