New baby finally here

loving the pictures! he is really looking great! awesome to see them and i'm more amazed each time! loved lealia's colors and temperament so we were definitely hopeful with their babies. good little pairing i think! ;)
Yeah Yeah rub it in:p
No really awesome man loveing the color on that guy:D
Thanks man, im very happy :)

loving the pictures! he is really looking great! awesome to see them and i'm more amazed each time! loved lealia's colors and temperament so we were definitely hopeful with their babies. good little pairing i think! ;)
Amanda, this guy gets better every day.. I wanna see your nieces to compare!

:D Oh that is just too funny!! :D
Seriously though he sure does look good!!
thank you!
she tagged me in a picture on facebook the other day...he looks little compared to his siblings. (they're not real big on taking pictures and posting me awhile to get the first one! lol)

i placed an order with mulberry and am shipping her some worms for some variety and to maybe help out a little growth spurt... lol.
So time for another update on Herbert.. He's been out in the Florida sun for the past week, along with all my other guys.


Wow he has some intense purple man!

that was actually our hope with our choices of mom and dad...partially because my favorite color is purple and partially because we were hoping for something a little less "common" with them... =)

he's got some intense red around his eyes

he's looking awesome! =)
OMG :eek::eek: He is AMAZING!!!! I am so jealous...I am so sad that the world lost Gargamel :( He was so beautiful! Your guy is just stunning! Congrats!!
OMG :eek::eek: He is AMAZING!!!! I am so jealous...I am so sad that the world lost Gargamel :( He was so beautiful! Your guy is just stunning! Congrats!!
He was! But at least we have his offspring :)

OMG, is that the same chameleon from your very first post? Wow, he is unreal and only going to get even better!!!!!:)

Yes sir it is.. He is awesome.. I think the mix between dinofuel and natural sunlight over the past weeks has made him look so much better.. Very happy :D
Lance sent me a picture of one of the veileds he kept from our clutch and one of Gargamel's boys....they are all turning out to be pretty boys. Haven't seen any updates on Azriel lately, but I'm harassing the niece for more of They are just not a big picture takin family. LMAO. Wish we knew where a few more of them landed and how they're looking....

The dinofuel seems to really be intensifying those colors!
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