New baby girl!!


New Member
My new ambilobe girl!!


Her sire-


Gannon my male( her future bf )-


Need some name ideas. What do you guys think?
purdy girl, nice choice

the offspring shoud have solid blue barring

as for a name, maybe Gabby??/? lol
I like Julia. That's pretty. Can't do Belle that my nickname haha

Thanks guys!!! I'll keep you updated with her progress!
All looking good, how old are they? You'll have to change your sig now (I'm not changing mine until I'm 100% that my Monitor is a girl.....)
She hatched 7-11-11. So almost 2 months. She's just massive for her age.

Cravin the Sire of the female, was 13 months in that picture. I don't know how old he is now, he's the breeders male not mine.

My male Gannon is going to be 8 months Aug. 5th.
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