New baby Nosy Be Sexing??


New Member
Hi, all!!

This is my new baby Nosy Be. I tried to read the sticky on sexing Panthers but I am still not sure. If anyone can help that would be most appreciated.

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Thanks guys for the quick response!! I totally believe you when you say she is female. Would you mind explaining to me how you can tell?? thanks
I'd have to agree that it's female. My reasoning would be that she has a fairly thin tail and you can see the indentation at the base right before the vent. Males don't have that indentation and also have a hemipenal bulge at the tail base.
Hopefully this helps (don't have my digital pen or I would have drawn it better). I used one of your photos, I hope you don't mind.

The pink line is where your girl's outline is, and the blue would be a male (who doesn't have a huge bulge yet). Yours has a pretty defined "dent" and the tail base is narrow, with a very subtle taper towards the tail tip. A male's tail base would be thicker, and the taper would be much more noticable.

Thanks for the replies!!

Olimpia That was very helpfull! Thanks! Now I need to find a little male ;)
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Olimpia, what did you use for that photo edit? Looks great and, I'm assuming, easy to use?
Check the forum sponsors, most of them breed Nosy Bes and I'm sure at least a couple of them are bound to have beautiful little males for sale at this time. And they're very good at sexing, so you should have no more problems getting that male you want!
Check the forum sponsors, most of them breed Nosy Bes and I'm sure at least a couple of them are bound to have beautiful little males for sale at this time. And they're very good at sexing, so you should have no more problems getting that male you want!

Will do! Thanks for all the help!!

If you were to guess how old would you say she is? The only color I see on here cheak. I should have asked when I was at the shop, I was just to caught up in all the excitment.
I Have her in an 18.18.36 right now. If I got a little male the same age would they be okay in that for a few months ? Or would I have to get another cage for the little guy?

This is her cage
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