New baby Nosy Be!


Established Member
I just felt like sharing my new best friend, a 2 month old Nosy Be. He is currently unnamed, only because he deserves an awesome one! I purchased him from a local breeder that was selling his entire clutch at a great price!:D The sire and the dam were both from The Panther Pad and looked great in person! I think he is a male, due to the fact that he has already started showing some bright blue pigments behind his eyes and lateral flanks, but i could be wrong. If anyone with more pardalis experience is able to give sexing advice, please feel free to do so. I know the pictures are a little blurry, but i just wanted to share them anyways! ;) Cheers,

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I would say male also, just from his patterns. Another thing is the hemi-penal buldge just behind the body at the tail base.

I would try to keep his wieghts logged. I could give you an idea of where mine was at when purchased at 2.5 months. He was only 5 grams, but at 5 months now wieghs 40.

here he is at 2.5 months::)


And now at 5months::p


He makes me a very proud daddy!

Jake, Your Nosy Be is truly an amazing chameleon and its specimens like him that made me have to have a Nosy Be! I can't believe how much he has grown in just a few months! I have a reptile/bird scale at the Vet clinic that I work at; I will definitely start logging his weight progression. Thanks so much for the feed back and the weight log idea!

Thanks a bunch!
I am sure your guy will turn out awsome! Just make sure to have food and water readily available, and he will sprout right up:p

Nice new boy :)

Calavera you have a very nice looking little boy there! The little bulge under the tail is a dead givaway. Very striking patterns indicate he should be a beauty. I love that stage.....the anticipation of his future appearance. Thanks for sharing :)
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