New baby panther feeding


New Member
`Hey everybody, I just received my baby panther chameleon this morning. I was wondering if I could feed it any type of worms because I don't want to do crickets because the ones I have are too big and keeping them is a lot of work. Thanks guys :D
it depends on what size chameleon and what sized worms. baby hornworms could be small enough or mini mealworms maybe
I didnt feed any mealworms to Koopa when he was a baby. They are a little hard shelled type of worms. However he LOVED Horns, They are soft bodied so I didnt worry about him choking or anything like that. Just watch the horns because they grow really fast. As long as they are no too big. I also broke them down, THey eat them so fast that he didnt notice that!
Also you will need a staple of some sort. they cant only eat worms... So if crickets are not your thing, then look into dubias or something like that. Crickets are stinky and they grow pretty quick, but they are also cheap and easy to gutload! So look at the pros and cons....goodluck.
As he is young I wouldn't recommend baby hornworms. Hornworms are high in fat content and have little nutritional value. Mini mealworms are ok on occasion but again, care should be taken since he is still young as they are difficult to digest and can cause problems if fed to any size Cham too often. He does need a staple as someone else said and since he is a baby I would recommend small crickets. They are great to free range in the cage and when gutloaded can be very healthy. Dubia are also great staple feeders but are not something that you could free range the cage.
Right, I think too much of any worm is not good. Use worms as "treats" Not a daily thing. Search bar is your best friend! ;) I also freerange dubias. They can hide tho but for the baby, look up a feeder cup! I cup fed for the first 4 months. Works well ! Find out what works for your cham! Goodluck!
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