Tylene how many total hatched in this clutch? We are now going into a quad world with all the new quads that just arrived. Congrats on all your success.
This was a weird clutch, Fynn's 5th. She laid 21 eggs!
4 were infertile, one died during incubation, 4 pipped but never hatched and 12
hatched. They were the smallest ones I've hatched so far. But, they are eating well. A couple of the smallest are growing slower than their brothers.
I have limited cage space this time since I had to bring the outside chams in for winter, so 4 are in Bill's baby cages, then two small cages each have 2 and one big cage has 4. Normally, I like to keep them in their own cages, since they stress each other out, but so far they are doing alright.