New brownish color on my veiled


Couldn’t find anything like this in posts…I have an approx. 5 month old female veiled cham. And recently I’ve noticed sometimes she has this brown/tan striping along the top of her head and face (see attached pictures). Is this normal or a sign that something may be wrong? It looks lighter in this picture but get to be pretty bright
Hi. :) Sounds like she’s coming into her big girl colors and will soon be receptive. Do you know that she’ll be laying eggs even if not exposed to a male? Do you need any guidance about proper lay bin and all of that?
Yes! Her bin is all set up and ready to go in her big girl cage that she will be moving into this week! I’m so nervous for that. Right now I’m still feeding her daily about 5-6 bsfl and 3-4 crickets depending on size. Should I cut that down some already? I’ve done a lot of research as soon as I found out she was not a male when I got her home so I’m prepared she just seems so young and small still I’ve been hesitant to drop down her food just yet
Yes! Her bin is all set up and ready to go in her big girl cage that she will be moving into this week! I’m so nervous for that. Right now I’m still feeding her daily about 5-6 bsfl and 3-4 crickets depending on size. Should I cut that down some already? I’ve done a lot of research as soon as I found out she was not a male when I got her home so I’m prepared she just seems so young and small still I’ve been hesitant to drop down her food just yet
Awesome! :) I would wait until after she lays eggs her first time before reducing her diet. It’s so hard at this age/stage. We don’t want to deprive them of needed nutrition to grow, but we don’t want them to lay large clutches.
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