New bulb


New Member
My chams new bulb has come it's a 160 watt "exo terra solar glo sun simulating bulb" and I read on the back that it gives off UVB light and heat aswell is it recomened that I keep it's exo terra 5.0 UVB strip light on aswell as this bulb? Or will it be to much UVB???
The bulb dome will be elevated off the cage plus I've got a controllable thermostat what I can turn up or down and I think when the bulb reaches a certain temp it shuts itself off then comes back on when it's cooled down
I am not familiar with that particular bulb.... but some of those bulbs have to go trough a cool down period before they can be turned back on. So it might not work well with the thermostat. You can try it with out the thermostat by letting it get up to temp then try turning it off and then back on after 2 or 3 seconds.
My chams new bulb has come it's a 160 watt "exo terra solar glo sun simulating bulb" and I read on the back that it gives off UVB light and heat aswell is it recomened that I keep it's exo terra 5.0 UVB strip light on aswell as this bulb? Or will it be to much UVB???

If you already have the 5.0 UVB strip light, all you need from this "new" bulb is heat and visible light. You can get that out of regular household bulbs and pay less for the privilege. You are not going to overdo the UVB using these bulbs. Heat may be your problem using them both.
I can see where your coming from with the thermostat by it not switching off when it reaches a certain temprature and I am also worried about the heat aswell but if your saying that I can use both UVB lights then that's fine it's just heat now that's the main concern if all else fails I can send the bulb back or what ever and try another solution
That bulb should be fine in use with your thermostat.

I wouldn't worry about it getting too hot because it's pretty much impossible with the thermostat controlling it. The stat will only use as much power as it needs to get to the required temperature, so even if it is a 160w bulb, the stat may only need to apply 100w or whatever to get to the set temp.

Is it a Habistat or Microclimate one mate? If it is then they don't cut the power all together when it gets to the set temp, they just reduce the wattage and the light will dim.
My only concern would be the uvb output. Typically the 50 watt bulbs are sufficient, 100 watt if they are going through a screen top. I would not use both. Chameleons don't need very high amounts of uvb.
It will ruin it if run with a thermostat.
In a self ballasted mercury vapor bulb, the tungsten filament needs to be all the way "on" to properly heat the small glass bladder in the bulb filled with mercury gas to emitt UV rays.
umm.. plus it could give off more UV than he needs if it is too close.... and sunburn him :(, so please be careful.

It will ruin it if run with a thermostat.
In a self ballasted mercury vapor bulb, the tungsten filament needs to be all the way "on" to properly heat the small glass bladder in the bulb filled with mercury gas to emitt UV rays.
umm.. plus it could give off more UV than he needs if it is too close.... and sunburn him :(, so please be careful.


Not all bulbs are dimmable
Not all bulbs are dimmable

a simpler & more effective way of saying it... sometimes I get too detailed.

Thanks Lazy Boy :D

Just to ad in to help make folks more aware:

This goes for flo. too!
To dim a flo. bulb, the fixture that it is in MUST be equipped with a special (& expensive) ballast.

Otherwise, dimming one could even cause it to overheat and create a real fire hazard.:eek:

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