New cage is finally finished, whew!


Established Member
This is the completed cage, it only took 20+ hours. A carpenter I am not, but it turned out pretty good, and matches our great room.
Can post basic directions if anyone is interested. I incorporated new window screens that we owned, with carsiding wood to match the room. Dimensions are about 27x48+. I cut all wood, sanded, polyurethaned, sealed with aquarium sealant,etc...Found out after my fiance came home that the jig saw blade was backwards the entire time, figures. (But it worked!) Only day one for Saki, hope he adjusts okay and doesn't miss his glass terrarium he lived in most of his life,( before I owned him). I have been obsessing for weeks, sketches, etc, glad it is done.


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Very nice looking cage. My only suggestion is it needs more plants and vines... but looks great!

What's with the exit sign? lol
The exit sign was up when we bought this house last november. It is really a very cool Victorian cottage style, with loft, beams and big covered front and back porch. We are way in the country, 1/2 block from a lake. It is a quirky house, matches my personality. My fiance thinks I am nuts with the animal obsession, but keeps me in check. I work at a family owned pet supply, (no live pets), so everyone tries to give me their pets, I could quite literally own a zoo by now. :)
Definitley did a great job, but I agree with Summoner that you could use a few more things for your cham to climb around on. Is that a big bird cage I spot next to your cham cage? Some say that chams will be stressed out by birds. I have mine in the same room as a cockatiel but they are on other sides of the room. Plus, mine does not even seemed bothered by the bird. I am sure you would know if the bird was stressing out your cham, if there even is a bird in that cage!
That is my amazon parrots cage, he is a rescue and pretty quiet, he refuses to come out of his cage, so I don't think he is too bothersome. I am actually going to move Saki's cage across the room because he is close to the windows and Michigan winters are cold and I don't want to risk drafts, even though the windows are new. There are vines at the back, the plants are new and young, he was never very active in the old glass terrarium, so I am hoping this cage makes a difference. That is the bad thing about buying from someone who wasn't really into good care, i don't think he was supplemented correctly, and I am positive the crickets were not gut loaded properly, so I hope to see improvements in time with good care. As an obsessive compulsive, I am worrying about him all of the time....
Welcome to chameleon ownership! You say you're not going to worry about this or that, but you still do! Sounds like you are giving him a great new start and he is one lucky cham!!!
In looking at your cage, I would get a branch closer up to the basking light. The one you have seems kinda far away. About 7 or so inches under the light would be good. Also, I cannot tell but I am assuming you have a UVB light? I cannot tell from the pics!
Uvb is on top left, I have more vines to add, attaching them is a challenge, using closed circle shaped hardware with the screw ends. Def work in progress. I love this forum I have learned soooo much! Thanks guys!
very beautiful built cage you made there. i like the panel pieces on the outside and the fact that it isnt stained, it looks very great and natural. i also love the background you made. good work!
I love this cage! I was trying to think of an idea just like this to build for my little guy. I was wondering if you could send me some basic direction on how to built it because my guy needs to get out of a glass tank SOON! i think this is perfect. Thanks! - Katie
I am an inspector, and that is an illegal cage, so if you could send it to my house, all charges will be dropped!!
Thanks for the comments, I think shipping charges would be a bit high:). Not to mention I don't have another 20 hrs to build another, LOL. I did add more vines to the back, and closer to the UVB. Still waiting for Saki to explore. I left work 5 hours early because I was freaking out about him falling and wanted to be home to keep an eye on him.
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