New cage!!


New Member
Building an outdoor cage for dino my veiled cham. Need sugestions on materials to use and not use. any help would be great..
Lots of people say chicken wire is really good for chams cages because it has larger holes than screen, but still small enough so that they cannot get out of the cage. And it allows them to climb up the walls without tearing out their nails. :)

They also say to make sure your screen is not mushy plastic stuff, but is metal because the food may be able to chew through any other material besides metal.

As for wood and stuff, I don't know. Any wood would be sturdy really.
Lots of people say chicken wire is really good for chams cages because it has larger holes than screen, but still small enough so that they cannot get out of the cage. And it allows them to climb up the walls without tearing out their nails. :)

They also say to make sure your screen is not mushy plastic stuff, but is metal because the food may be able to chew through any other material besides metal.

As for wood and stuff, I don't know. Any wood would be sturdy really.

not regular chicken wire. The coated chicken wire, yes. Regular chicken wire is very coarse and hard on the bottom of their feet. If they are side climbers it can hurt their feet.
Get plastic hardware cloth ImageUploadedByTapatalk1365037203.378768.jpg
Yes definitely the insulated wire.

Also about the plastic I've heard from others that crickets may try to bite through it and will succeed, but then again.. I don't see my crix crawling out of plastic cages so I guess plastic is ok.

If we're talking sturdy, definitely go with metal though.
I used 2x2 pieces of wood for the frame and aluminum screen to cover it. There was also coated hardware cloth at Home Depot and also an ARRAY of, what's it called, fiberglass cloth? I have read that crickets get through that very easily, so I narrowed my choices down to aluminum and coated hardware cloth. There was also "pet fence" -- not sure on that one.

Home Depot will become your new best friend!
The 2x2s at Home Depot are terrible.. I used them on my first build.. This time I put out the cash for nice 2x4s and cut them down the middle and just cup feed bro ImageUploadedByTapatalk1365044223.883365.jpg
thanks for the replys and i will be going to home depot and trying to replicate the bottem cage....will let u know how it goes thanx:)
I found the plastic chicken wire caused sores on the bottom of my panthers feet near the toes from them climbing around gripping the wide shape. I used the pet screen inside the chicken wire to prevent the sores, but it is hard to see thru.
I am making new cages with the 1/2" hardware cloth.
Cage is 36-18-40 4 inch legs for drainage pans

ImageUploadedByTapatalk1365109873.579193.jpg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1365109895.514179.jpg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1365109930.949486.jpg
It should cost around 130bucks..
If you have the correct tools like a; drill,
Table saw, circular saw, staple gun, paint brush, a free Saturday.
Ok so stuff needed;
6 2x4s. .cut in half too 2x2s
1 roll of 15ft plastic hardware cloth
2 cabinet magnets
Stainless 3inch wood screws..
4 hinges
Thompsons waterproofer
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