New cage


New Member
Hello all,
I have now moved Dave into his new home, its doesnt look that bad. I have the spot light with different distances from the bulb giving variants in temperatures, there is the UVB strip light and I also decided to get a sun blaster light for all the live plants, I think there is about is about five in total, I have looked all over for a Hibiscus but cant get one any where so I maded do with what I have got. He seems ok, moving about the place in the day time its a real pleasure watching him climb. The only down side is, it's a damn site harder to get him out to hold, I havnt been able to get him, he just has a hiffy fit each time I hold my hand out but I dont want to get him too stressed so I dont push him too hard

I really cant beleive a thirty year old can get this hooked on a reptile but its happened. What an amazing creature, I would recommend Chamelean, far better than fish or rodants which I had as a kid.

Let me know what you think of the new setup, its a little dark but you get the idea.


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hey hey thats a nice looking set up, mine is similar, same flexi and a yemen called dave lol. i found that my Dave's attitude changed since he moved in to the flexi he's a bit more reluctant to be handled now and when the mister comes out he legs it to the back of the flexi :rolleyes: i do find the flexi a little shakey and not particuarly rigid. i wonder if thats what spooks him when i go in there, undoing the zip makes his "world" shake unavoidably at some point i am going to re-enforce the flexi with some tongue and groove around three sides and the bottom to see if that helps calm him down should be good for humidity too :) i find locust are great in a viv of this size, pop them in the bottom and they'll climb to the top and sit on the roof but Dave has a few of them on the way up lol

What a cracking idea, where do you purchase your Locusts from? Your right about the Flexi, I need to find a way of making it more rigit too, the lights at the top keep moving around when ever I open the thing up.

What method do you use to clear the excese water?

Many thanks for you response.
currently i have no drainage but you can get "flexitrays" which collect the water at the bottom and bodge a system from that. TBH i find that i mist every leave on every plant and due to the flexy being fully mesh it all evaporates within a few hours suprisingly no real mess. But my dave seems to prefer to drink water from the horizontal frame tubes near the top, they bead water well. i buy my locusts from the local reptile shop for around £2.75 for ten. each morning i take the locusts left over at the top and put them down the bottom again for their "gauntlet run" to the top again, at the bottom of the viv i have a little tray which i put greens in and the locusts on (dusted with calc) so they remain gutloaded and effectivly live in there. im hopeing i can use brackets on the tongue and groove to hold the basking lights rather than sit them on top of the mesh. at themoment i cable tie the cables for the lights tight to the mesh, this holds them in place fairly well.

i also have a "food bowl" near his basking spot hung from a vine so i can put worms etc in (although he has yet to eat a superworm from there :( )

i forgot to mention that hibiscus are out of season at the mo in the u.k i have found them but they are just sticks at the moment, and these flexys seem better with a 10% UV bulb on top rather than 5% due to the thick mesh.
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