New Cham Arrival!!! :)

Congrats on that Sambava! Love the barring on him he will be a stunner!

This is my hope! His father (El Cid) and his Grandsire (Zorro) from the Kammer's are both beautiful! I can't wait to see what he ends up like! It will be a wonderful journey!


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Here are some updated pics of my guy hanging out in the ficus!


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Are you handling him much? My Sambava baby that I received last Thurs from the Kammers (3 Month old sired by Vincente) does not eat from my hand or want to leave his cage yet. He does love basking in the Florida sun every day and eats tons of crickets. I have found him to be much more active when outside- wanders around exploring every corner of his cage. I am letting him take his time to get him used to his new home. Here is a picture I took 2 days ago.


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I actually hand feed Mephisto every day. He is slowly learning that I am a good person :rolleyes: however I do not handle him at all. He has only been out of his cage one time after I put him in there the first time. He is quite the hunter though. I was super surprised at how long his tounge is. It's atleast double the size of him! I posted a video on the Kammer's Facebook wall of me hand feeding him. My name is Ryan Gibson if that helps you find it.
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