new Cham feeding concerns


Hey Guys,

I recently got my new Cham yesterday (juvi Veiled). when I first put her in her new home she went right for a cricket I had put in. Since she hasn't seemed to concerned with them. She's prob only 2 5 inches in length thus far (not sure about age). I put a few in just now and she can see them but isnt going for them. I put a few very small ones in a cup and have 2 roaming the cage (screen terra). I'm going to go to a friends so I think with noone around she will be more likely to go for it.

She is drinking forsure as she went to the back screen after spraying smacking her lips and I did see a few licks but left her alone as I read they don't like to be watched.

I guess the I should also mention the horrible pet store people said they fed her every 2 days and not every day so maybe she will just have to get her meltabilism up.

I know it's prob nothing but wanted to ask if anyone has any tips. I have owned lizards and stuff before but I am super cautious as I know Chams arent easy and I want to make her as happy as possible.

Thanks in advance
Something I tried today that really excited my 6 month Panther Boba. Set the crickets up on the front screen door, side, or wherever you little guy will see them and let them crawl up. Boba loves to hand feed mostly and does not like cup feeding. He must think I am his food dispenser. He was ok with it the first few days, but once he was used to me, he wanted to be hand fed lol. I couldn't get him to he eat out of the cup, so I went to hand feeding and he devoured everything. Short story long... I can't possibly 100% hand feed him everyday, so I thought of Letting the cricket run up the screen. The cricket just wants to climb up so he's not going anywhere. Boba was totally engaged. You could see the excitement in his eyes.
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