New Cham owner here :)


New Member

I thought I would finally stop lurking and say hello. I've learned much on this forum already and I have ya'll to thank for that ( I have a funny story about digging coconut substrate out of his cage at midnight the first day I got him, because I was terrified of impaction) . I think that the info I've learned on here has definitely prevented some problems, as I initially had quite a few misconceptions (I listened to a big box pet store employee for much of my info). That is my fault as much as hers, but I'm making much progress in the right way to take care of him.

That said, I'm still very much a noob at all of this and I'd like to put our info out there in case anyone has any suggestion?
I did get Mr. Miyagi at Petsmart- please don't flame me. I was rather ill informed and would never buy another reptile there again (nor any animal that wasn't a rescue animal).

Here we go~

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care? Male, Veiled - about 6 weeks old. I've had him for 2 weeks.
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? I've only handled him a few times. Mainly to let him get a little sun on a hibiscus plant in the front yard.
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders? I'm feeding crickets and superworms. A few flightless fruit flies here and there (they are so small that I don't think he is much interested anymore though) I feed him twice a day morning and then about 6pm. I'm gutloading the crickets with a mixture of fresh grapes, mustard greens, apples and sweet potatoes. Also orange cubes as well. I feed the same mixture to my cham daily in a dish on the floor of his cage. Thus far, he doesn't seem interested, but it can't hurt. :)

Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule? Both pet stores in my area were out of calcium without D3, so I am spraying the crickets with Zilla calcium spray(no D3) and then I'll feed Herptivite multi-vitamins and Flukers Calcium with D3 every 2 weeks. I'll be going to a store this weekend that specializes in reptiles to see if I can get a better daily calcium supplement.

Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking? I mist twice to 3 times daily and currently just set a couple ice cubes on the top of the cage twice daily. We have a mister as well as "The little dripper" but they aren't yet set up. Today was the first day that I've actually seen Mr. Miyagi drink, but he shows no signs of dehydration.

Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Droppings are solid brown and white. No signs of dehydration.
Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? No

History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you. Unfortunately, I have no prior info.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions? Exo Terra Rainforest Habitat Kit- Glass 18x18x24. I'm aware that the glass cage is NOT ideal and I plan to remedy that very soon. I was suckered into buying it by a very ill-informed pet store employee (the same who told me that chams "drink" through their skin as well as a bunch of other nonsense). For now though Mr. Miyagi is only about 1 and 1/2 to 2 inches long- excluding his tail- and hopefully what I have will do for another month or so at least? No substrate, but I do have a sort of washable mat on the bottom. Should I remove that?

Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule? I have a 5.0 UVB Repti-Glo compact. A 2.0 compact full spectrum Reptiglo as well as a ZooMed 100W basking lamp.

Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Basking spot is 90 degrees- I'm uncertain as to cage floor temps

Lowest overnight temp? about 70 degrees

How do you measure these temps? I have an ExoTerra Thermometer and Hygrometer.

Humidity - What are your humidity levels? 50% on a pretty consistent basis.

How are you creating and maintaining these levels? I mist daily.

What do you use to measure humidity? Hygrometer.

Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind? Bromeliad, Pothos, African violet, stag horn fern and birds nest fern. I believe these are all on the "safe list" I'll also add a couple large fresh mustard greens and fresh hibiscus flowers daily. Both with water droplet clinging to them for extra moisture.

Placement - Where is your cage located? My cage is in my office in a corner - I work from home.

Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor? My husband and I are empty nesters, so there isn't much traffic at all.. There is an air vent in the hallway, but nothing that blows directly on the cage. The top of the cage is roughly 5 feet from the floor.

Location - Where are you geographically located? Utah.

Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about.
Unfortunately, I accidently dropped him today onto a tile floor- a distance of about 4 feet. He seems fine, but I'm super afraid that I've injured him in some way. I know that chams tend to hide injury or illness so I'm worried sick about that.

The only other thing that has me slightly concerned today, is that I've noticed him opening his mouth randomly. He's done it a couple times in his cage- but then closed it immediately. When I took him outside for a little sun today, I noticed that he would open his mouth and leave it open. That said it's been very hot here - it's 7pm and still 97 degrees today. I see no signs otherwise that he is ill in any way. He eats, drinks and poops fine. He isn't crusty looking and he doesn't slobber. Oh and he isn't sleeping inappropriately either.

Any suggestion, comments or concerns please let me know?

Thank you so much!


I thought I would finally stop lurking and say hello. I've learned much on this forum already and I have ya'll to thank for that ( I have a funny story about digging coconut substrate out of his cage at midnight the first day I got him, because I was terrified of impaction) . I think that the info I've learned on here has definitely prevented some problems, as I initially had quite a few misconceptions (I listened to a big box pet store employee for much of my info). That is my fault as much as hers, but I'm making much progress in the right way to take care of him.

That said, I'm still very much a noob at all of this and I'd like to put our info out there in case anyone has any suggestion?
I did get Mr. Miyagi at Petsmart- please don't flame me. I was rather ill informed and would never buy another reptile there again (nor any animal that wasn't a rescue animal).

Here we go~

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care? Male, Veiled - about 6 weeks old. I've had him for 2 weeks.
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? I've only handled him a few times. Mainly to let him get a little sun on a hibiscus plant in the front yard.
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders? I'm feeding crickets and superworms. A few flightless fruit flies here and there (they are so small that I don't think he is much interested anymore though) I feed him twice a day morning and then about 6pm. I'm gutloading the crickets with a mixture of fresh grapes, mustard greens, apples and sweet potatoes. Also orange cubes as well. I feed the same mixture to my cham daily in a dish on the floor of his cage. Thus far, he doesn't seem interested, but it can't hurt. :)

Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule? Both pet stores in my area were out of calcium without D3, so I am spraying the crickets with Zilla calcium spray(no D3) and then I'll feed Herptivite multi-vitamins and Flukers Calcium with D3 every 2 weeks. I'll be going to a store this weekend that specializes in reptiles to see if I can get a better daily calcium supplement.

Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking? I mist twice to 3 times daily and currently just set a couple ice cubes on the top of the cage twice daily. We have a mister as well as "The little dripper" but they aren't yet set up. Today was the first day that I've actually seen Mr. Miyagi drink, but he shows no signs of dehydration.

Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Droppings are solid brown and white. No signs of dehydration.
Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? No

History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you. Unfortunately, I have no prior info.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions? Exo Terra Rainforest Habitat Kit- Glass 18x18x24. I'm aware that the glass cage is NOT ideal and I plan to remedy that very soon. I was suckered into buying it by a very ill-informed pet store employee (the same who told me that chams "drink" through their skin as well as a bunch of other nonsense). For now though Mr. Miyagi is only about 1 and 1/2 to 2 inches long- excluding his tail- and hopefully what I have will do for another month or so at least? No substrate, but I do have a sort of washable mat on the bottom. Should I remove that?

Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule? I have a 5.0 UVB Repti-Glo compact. A 2.0 compact full spectrum Reptiglo as well as a ZooMed 100W basking lamp.

Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Basking spot is 90 degrees- I'm uncertain as to cage floor temps

Lowest overnight temp? about 70 degrees

How do you measure these temps? I have an ExoTerra Thermometer and Hygrometer.

Humidity - What are your humidity levels? 50% on a pretty consistent basis.

How are you creating and maintaining these levels? I mist daily.

What do you use to measure humidity? Hygrometer.

Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind? Bromeliad, Pothos, African violet, stag horn fern and birds nest fern. I believe these are all on the "safe list" I'll also add a couple large fresh mustard greens and fresh hibiscus flowers daily. Both with water droplet clinging to them for extra moisture.

Placement - Where is your cage located? My cage is in my office in a corner - I work from home.

Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor? My husband and I are empty nesters, so there isn't much traffic at all.. There is an air vent in the hallway, but nothing that blows directly on the cage. The top of the cage is roughly 5 feet from the floor.

Location - Where are you geographically located? Utah.

Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about.
Unfortunately, I accidently dropped him today onto a tile floor- a distance of about 4 feet. He seems fine, but I'm super afraid that I've injured him in some way. I know that chams tend to hide injury or illness so I'm worried sick about that.

The only other thing that has me slightly concerned today, is that I've noticed him opening his mouth randomly. He's done it a couple times in his cage- but then closed it immediately. When I took him outside for a little sun today, I noticed that he would open his mouth and leave it open. That said it's been very hot here - it's 7pm and still 97 degrees today. I see no signs otherwise that he is ill in any way. He eats, drinks and poops fine. He isn't crusty looking and he doesn't slobber. Oh and he isn't sleeping inappropriately either.

Any suggestion, comments or concerns please let me know?

Thank you so much!


Congrats on your cham and welcome! for the opening pf his mouth, its cuz hes too hot!!!!! get your temps down to 85 or lower, closer to 80. veileds like temps around 80 to 85, so 90 is way to hot. also you only need two bulbs, basking and uvb, get rid of that 2.0 full spectrum thing.
as for you droping him, they are great at landing falls. you may find some black spots on him, and those will be bruises.
I've experienced dropping a cham before and the best advice I can give you is *try* to not worry too much. Just keep a watchful eye out for any ill signs/symptoms such as swelling or limping and make sure he is eating.

With regards to him keeping his mouth open, he is trying to cool himself. Reptiles do this to release heat since they don't sweat. 90 degrees is far too hot, especially for a young chameleon. 80 degrees is usually a good temperature for younger chameleons. Try using a lower wattage heat bulb (40-60W) or raise the light fixture way up, you may not even need one if it's really warm in your house.
It IS really warm in my house now. I've got the cooler on, but the outside temps are so warm right now that I'll try turning off his basking lamp for now and monitor his cage temps closely.
Luckily, I work from home, so I can check him frequently.

JJK85- thanks for the reassurance. He seems to be fine, but of course I have been worried sick about it. I'll just keep watching him closely and keep my fingers crossed.
Right now, I dont use my baskng bulb at all, and I havent since May. Its been too warm, his uvb bulb keeps the temps right where i want them.
If you notice any bruising, get a plant, put him on it, put both in the shower on the floor, aim the shower head towards the wall, and let the mist bounce off the wall and onto the plant. I have found that this can help with the bruising.
Warm water, not hot not cold.
I haven't thought about putting him in a shower for bruising. Thank you for the tip. Another reason I'm so glad I found this site. :)
I know I have a lot to learn.

thank you!
Question about my 5.0 UVB bulb- The housing for the bulbs (can't think of the proper term) is only large enough for 2 of the smaller spiral bulbs. Should I put a 5.0 bulb in both sides when I ditch the broad spectrum bulb?
Question about my 5.0 UVB bulb- The housing for the bulbs (can't think of the proper term) is only large enough for 2 of the smaller spiral bulbs. Should I put a 5.0 bulb in both sides when I ditch the broad spectrum bulb?

NO! lol. its called a dome. and no, you dont need two uvb bulbs. jsut one, two will be too intense for your chams eyes.

I thought I would finally stop lurking and say hello. I've learned much on this forum already and I have ya'll to thank for that ( I have a funny story about digging coconut substrate out of his cage at midnight the first day I got him, because I was terrified of impaction) . I think that the info I've learned on here has definitely prevented some problems, as I initially had quite a few misconceptions (I listened to a big box pet store employee for much of my info). That is my fault as much as hers, but I'm making much progress in the right way to take care of him.

That said, I'm still very much a noob at all of this and I'd like to put our info out there in case anyone has any suggestion?
I did get Mr. Miyagi at Petsmart- please don't flame me. I was rather ill informed and would never buy another reptile there again (nor any animal that wasn't a rescue animal).

Here we go~

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care? Male, Veiled - about 6 weeks old. I've had him for 2 weeks.
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? I've only handled him a few times. Mainly to let him get a little sun on a hibiscus plant in the front yard.
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders? I'm feeding crickets and superworms. A few flightless fruit flies here and there (they are so small that I don't think he is much interested anymore though) I feed him twice a day morning and then about 6pm. I'm gutloading the crickets with a mixture of fresh grapes, mustard greens, apples and sweet potatoes. Also orange cubes as well. I feed the same mixture to my cham daily in a dish on the floor of his cage. Thus far, he doesn't seem interested, but it can't hurt. :)

Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule? Both pet stores in my area were out of calcium without D3, so I am spraying the crickets with Zilla calcium spray(no D3) and then I'll feed Herptivite multi-vitamins and Flukers Calcium with D3 every 2 weeks. I'll be going to a store this weekend that specializes in reptiles to see if I can get a better daily calcium supplement.

Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking? I mist twice to 3 times daily and currently just set a couple ice cubes on the top of the cage twice daily. We have a mister as well as "The little dripper" but they aren't yet set up. Today was the first day that I've actually seen Mr. Miyagi drink, but he shows no signs of dehydration.

Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Droppings are solid brown and white. No signs of dehydration.
Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? No

History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you. Unfortunately, I have no prior info.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions? Exo Terra Rainforest Habitat Kit- Glass 18x18x24. I'm aware that the glass cage is NOT ideal and I plan to remedy that very soon. I was suckered into buying it by a very ill-informed pet store employee (the same who told me that chams "drink" through their skin as well as a bunch of other nonsense). For now though Mr. Miyagi is only about 1 and 1/2 to 2 inches long- excluding his tail- and hopefully what I have will do for another month or so at least? No substrate, but I do have a sort of washable mat on the bottom. Should I remove that?

Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule? I have a 5.0 UVB Repti-Glo compact. A 2.0 compact full spectrum Reptiglo as well as a ZooMed 100W basking lamp.

Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Basking spot is 90 degrees- I'm uncertain as to cage floor temps

Lowest overnight temp? about 70 degrees

How do you measure these temps? I have an ExoTerra Thermometer and Hygrometer.

Humidity - What are your humidity levels? 50% on a pretty consistent basis.

How are you creating and maintaining these levels? I mist daily.

What do you use to measure humidity? Hygrometer.

Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind? Bromeliad, Pothos, African violet, stag horn fern and birds nest fern. I believe these are all on the "safe list" I'll also add a couple large fresh mustard greens and fresh hibiscus flowers daily. Both with water droplet clinging to them for extra moisture.

Placement - Where is your cage located? My cage is in my office in a corner - I work from home.

Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor? My husband and I are empty nesters, so there isn't much traffic at all.. There is an air vent in the hallway, but nothing that blows directly on the cage. The top of the cage is roughly 5 feet from the floor.

Location - Where are you geographically located? Utah.

Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about.
Unfortunately, I accidently dropped him today onto a tile floor- a distance of about 4 feet. He seems fine, but I'm super afraid that I've injured him in some way. I know that chams tend to hide injury or illness so I'm worried sick about that.

The only other thing that has me slightly concerned today, is that I've noticed him opening his mouth randomly. He's done it a couple times in his cage- but then closed it immediately. When I took him outside for a little sun today, I noticed that he would open his mouth and leave it open. That said it's been very hot here - it's 7pm and still 97 degrees today. I see no signs otherwise that he is ill in any way. He eats, drinks and poops fine. He isn't crusty looking and he doesn't slobber. Oh and he isn't sleeping inappropriately either.

Any suggestion, comments or concerns please let me know?

Thank you so much!


When he is older, about 6-7 months old and matured and bigger you want the basking temp at 95-100 degrees! only when he is bigger though, for now you want it at about 80-85 because he is so young. Some people may try to argue this but i had a problem with my veiled cham, she was really dark all of the time so i contacted the breeder and he said that the older ones need it to be 95-100 degrees. Just a good thing to know for the future...:) You should also mist at least three times a day for at least a minute. Never feed them anytype of worms daily because they are pretty fatning but it is always good to give some to him everyonce in a while. Also, it is a very good idea to get rid of the tank! you are a smart person :) i would prefer to get anytype of screen cage other than mesh, i say this because i have a mesh cage and it is very light and tends to shake alot when i unzip it. other than those few things you are doing great... Good Luck!
When he is older, about 6-7 months old and matured and bigger you want the basking temp at 95-100 degrees! only when he is bigger though, for now you want it at about 80-85 because he is so young. Some people may try to argue this but i had a problem with my veiled cham, she was really dark all of the time so i contacted the breeder and he said that the older ones need it to be 95-100 degrees. Just a good thing to know for the future...:)

Woah woah woah, not true at all. You cant keep chameleons at that high of a temp. No way.
When he is older, about 6-7 months old and matured and bigger you want the basking temp at 95-100 degrees! only when he is bigger though, for now you want it at about 80-85 because he is so young. Some people may try to argue this but i had a problem with my veiled cham, she was really dark all of the time so i contacted the breeder and he said that the older ones need it to be 95-100 degrees. Just a good thing to know for the future...:)

No. no. and no. while an individual cham may need a higher temp, most veields, and just about EVERYONE on this forum, will say that 95 is too high, even that 90 is oto high.
He's such a tiny little thing at the moment, I think it will be a long, long while before I bring those temps up at all.
I've turned off the basking lamp, and I'm getting ready to turn the UVB light off for the evening here shortly.

I appreciate the comments and advice of anyone who weighs in here :)

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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ok??? so is the breeder lying to me??? i am pretty sure a breeder has more experience than most people on this site... My chams temps stay between 95 and 100 in the basking spot and she is perfectly healthy! she is never dry either and she stays in her basking area for a long time and never opens her mouth to breath so....
ok??? so is the breeder lying to me??? i am pretty sure a breeder has more experience than most people on this site... My chams temps stay between 95 and 100 in the basking spot and she is perfectly healthy! she is never dry either and she stays in her basking area for a long time and never opens her mouth to breath so....

We arent sying your breeder is lying. we are saying that all of us on this site dont use temps that high. and there are many people on here who have had cahms for 20 plus years.
Is the broad spectrum bulb harming his health? If it isn't I would just as soon leave it, as it's got to be a little better for all of the plants that I have in there. If it's harmful though, I'll take it out this evening.

Thanks and thanks :)
ok??? so is the breeder lying to me??? i am pretty sure a breeder has more experience than most people on this site... My chams temps stay between 95 and 100 in the basking spot and she is perfectly healthy! she is never dry either and she stays in her basking area for a long time and never opens her mouth to breath so....

if it works for you then keep doing what you are doing. As camimom said, we are just giving advice on our experiences. I let my chameleon bask outside all the time and the sun is blazing down here in Florida and he is fine. In his indoor cage his basking is around 90(he is a panther) and he never gapes at that temp. I think you just have to observe your chameleon and figure out what works and go with it.
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