New Cham owner here :)

if it works for you then keep doing what you are doing. As camimom said, we are just giving advice on our experiences. I let my chameleon bask outside all the time and the sun is blazing down here in Florida and he is fine. In his indoor cage his basking is around 90(he is a panther) and he never gapes at that temp. I think you just have to observe your chameleon and figure out what works and go with it.

Well, I know for certain now that the basking temps are too high- and I've already remedied that situation.
My question though, applies specifically to the broad spectrum bulb. I now know that it isn't needed, but is it actually harmful?
Well, I know for certain now that the basking temps are too high- and I've already remedied that situation.
My question though, applies specifically to the broad spectrum bulb. I now know that it isn't needed, but is it actually harmful?

I dont know if its harmful. but to be safe, just get rid of it. uvb and basking bulb.
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