Chameleon Enthusiast
Haha yeah, is she young? They can be mischievous, as most dogs arefor the first few months after I got my dog she tore up the carpet, chewed through the doorframes, chewed up hats, cell phones, and other things my boyfriend left laying around, and barked non-stop when we left... we live in apartments.
not even 5 months old yet and been to emergency already cause she ate something and had blood coming out her butt! I thought maybe parvo and did not want to chance it. Actually it is my daughter's so she has to pay the bills! Sunday night she got into a pan of vegetable oil that we cooked shrimp in. My hubby had putoutside to cool and we forgot about it! Well for about 10 secs she lapped it up like water. She was so sick all day, barfing everywhere. We had another vet appt for 6:00pm and by about 5:00 she just snapped out of it and was able to keep water down and got active and has been fine since!!! My sister's pup ate my brother in laws dentures! Can you imagine!!! Very expensive to replace!!! I have not had anything yet and I say yet, that has been destroyed of any real value.