New Cham


New Member
Just lost karma over the weekend unfortunately, how ever I will be getting a new one this weekend. I'm thinking of getting another veiled, my wife suggested the name Charmander, we are thinking of other names though. Probably get another from petsmart as sort of a rescue effort, always feel bad for the little guys in there :( Will be posting pictures as soon as I get him!
Sorry you lost your chameleon. You got your last one from petsmart? Was it ill when they sold it to you? The reason I ask is alot of times the "rescues" don't make it as they are in pretty bad shape when people get them home. Often times past the point of no return. I would buy from a breeder. One of our members, Camimom has a bunch of baby veilds that are healthy and ones that have been well cared for. I would go that route instead.
The cham was fine when I bought him, it was all the stuff that they didn't tell me I needed and didn't find out I needed before it was too late, such as no substrate, night light, UVB light, things of that nature..
Sorry for your loss, I just lost my first cham not too long ago. Glad you're giving it another shot...If you want some chams be sure to get them from the classified section.

I know Camimom is selling a clutch of High Turquoise veiled babys :)

You'd end up paying around the same you would at a pets mart or petco. Plus you'd be supporting bad business.

I see you're in Tracy, If you're ever down in the Berkeley area try heading to the Eastbay Vivarium. They have a few chams there.

Again sorry for your loss. If it were me I would not be buying any live animals from that will only encourage's simple economics.

If you want to rescue an animal....find a decent looking one on craigslist or some such....jmo :)
There is a guy in tracy that opened up a reptile store in town recently. He's got a ton of different stuff in his store, might check him out, only went in there once, animals looked O.K., or I may get it from camimom, those look pretty good too ^_^

Edit: Looks like I'll be getting one of Camimom's boys when they hit 3months
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