New cham


New Member
I got a new cham from LLL reptiles today. It was cold so I put him in his tank right away. He is better than he was, but he just stays in the same spot and his grip isnt that strong, but he can still hang onto things. Obviously he wont eat because of the trip. I have three days until my warrantee is up. LLL reptile said he doesnt have parasites, btw. He also closes his eyes often and seems kinda weak. I think he is just doing this because of the trip. Do you guys think I should be worried about it or give it a couple days?
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probably the stress of the trip, hang in there. other folks with more experience will chime in soon.
congrats on the cham. :D
Repti boost and reptaid are two different name brand products as far as i know. I personally use reptaid for my dragons when needed. I also do a preventive dose about every 6 months.

As for repti boost I do not have any experience with it so I can't really say one way or another.

I am fairly new to chameleons but I would think he should not be sleeping during the day and his grip would still be good even after the shipping trip. Hopefully some other folks will chime in. Did you get him overnight?

Also you may want to contact LLL reptile and report your concerns. They are a site sponsor here as well.
Not eating is the only thing you described that I have ever seen a cham go threw after being shipped weak and eyes closed during the day those are signs of get to the vet I'm sorry you have this problem but I would get on the phone and figure something out before its too late chams don't show signs of distress until its almost too late. Hope this helps.
I got a new cham from LLL reptiles today.

What kind of a trip did he go through? I think I'd contact LLL to at least let them know there might be a problem brewing and that you are concerned. Then make sure your husbandry is OK (temps, lighting cycles, humidity, quiet surroundings, places to hide and watch from cover), watch to see if your cham attempts to drink at all, and see what LLL wants you to do next if he doesn't perk up.
I called and they said to keep them updated on the situation. He is extremely thin and looks like his eyes are sunken in. He did not drink at all. He just sat in one spot and sat there. I did give him a dose of reptaboost....I am really not happy with LLL reptile right now. Do you guys think I should attempt a refund? I really do not want to spend money for the vet on a brand new cham.
I would do everything you can to save him. Like someone said make sure you have everything right, from temps to lighting to food. Also if he's dehydrated give him a shower and mist him frequently. Check his stool for white tip. And bring to vet if necessary. I know its not fair to you to get a sick cham, but its not fair to him either. You'll be happier in the long run knowing you did everything you could to hepl him. best wishes to you and your new cham.
I got my baby veiled from LLL yesterday as well.
He looks good, however he keeps his eyes closed. I haven't seen him open them. I'm not sure if I should be concerned or not. I've emailed them for an update.
I think I will donate him to a vet.
I really feel sad having a sickly animal that is creeping towards death and I am doing the best I can. I am sure if I donate him to a vet he will be in better care.
Was the package left outdoors for hours in extreme cold or was it bashed up, indicating that the cham may have been injured during shipping?
If not, then he could simply be rather dehydrated and a very dehydrated cham will be lethargic.
If you put a plant into the shower, using warm, not hot water, aim the showerhead so the water bounces off the wall and mists the plant, then put your cham onto the plant (you have to stay with him to prevent accidental drowning) it should stimulate him to drink.
It might take him a half hour to drink and get his fill of water.
Keep him in the shower as long as he is drinking.
You should repeat this several times daily until he no longer seems to need it and is drinking on his own.
Of course you will still need to mist his cage frequently and run a dripper.
Sorry to hear you're having a tough time and hope he recovers quickly for you.
I actually have known bout the showertechniqu fo quite some time, and have been doing thi for the past 3 days but he has not even made an attempttodrink, even though I leave him in there for 45 minutes. He justs sits there with his eyes cloed. Igt the box immedately because I was real excited, and waited at the window for my package like a little kid lol. I have been doing everything I can and nothing is working. Not even rept boost.
That's too bad. :(
If he only has his eyes closed in the shower, that doesn't sound unusual, as my chams always close their eyes when being sprayed and the only indication that they are drinking is a very slight opening of the mouth.
If he sits around with his eyes closed outside of the shower more often than not, it sounds like the only possible chance for him is with a vet's help (fluid injections, etc) and of course there's no guarantee that even that will save him.
Since you don't want to spend the money on vet care--if your vet is willing to try to nurse him back to health, it would be the kindest option for the poor cham.
FWIW, the majority of Jackson's sold in the US are wild-caught and that more often than not means internal parasites.
Unfortunately, the stresses of shipping can push the balance to the negative side where the parasites start to win. :eek:
For any new cham, a vet visit is wise but your cham sounds like it is an urgent necessity.
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