New Chameleon MommašŸ„³


New Member
Hi Friends!

Just brought home this cutie last Sunday and have had him for a week now :) I never thought Iā€™d be as obsessed with him as I am, but here we are. Heā€™s just the best!

Heā€™s my first ever chameleon and so Iā€™m looking for any/all feedback and advice. I just wanna give him the best life possible! Iā€™ve seen a lot of mention about the below husbandry sheet so I figured Iā€™d fill it out right off rip and attached some photos too. Thanks yaā€™ll in advance for sharing your experiences and advice, I really appreciate it!

Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon: Male Veiled, had him for a week.
  • Handling - Havenā€™t touched him, but have hand fed him mealworms and crickets a few time and he seems unbothered.
  • Feeding - Feeding him as many mealworms he can eat (usually 10-12/day) dusted with calcium powder NO D3 (photo attached). I also feed him gut loaded crickets (usually ten-ish every other day or so) with fresh veg and zoomed cricket care (photo attached).
  • Supplements - I dust ALL crickets and mealworms I feed him with zoomed repticalcium NO d3. I plan on dusting all his buggies with repticalcium WITH d3 on June 12 and then once every two weeks from there on out (photos of supps attached).
  • Watering - I use a big old fashioned mister (photo attached). His lights are on from 7am-7pm and I mist for about two minutes at 6:30am and 9pm. I also have a dripper running all day (photo attached). Iā€™ve never seen the lil guy drink.
  • Fecal Description - He poops maybe twice a day and the poop is brown with white stuff on it and seems pretty moist. As far as Iā€™m aware, heā€™s never been tested for parasites.
  • History - I know nothing about his past, unfortunately. Bought him from petsmart and while Iā€™m not proud of it, at least I know I will be able to offer him a better life than a commercial pet store will!

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - Glass 18x18x24 but it has a mesh cover and a lil mesh at the top (chimney effect, photos attached). I fell victim to the thrive brand chameleon kit (donā€™t worry, I bought him all new equipment the next day lol). Iā€™m aware his enclosure is small, but will be moving in early August and my dad and I will be custom building him a 2x2x4 enclosure with entirely mesh sides. Hoping the smaller glass cage is sufficient until then. If I could go back in time, I woulda bought the big big tank right off the bat, but ya live and ya learn!
  • Lighting - Lights on at 7am, off at 7pm. We have a 75W basking light and T5 HO Reptisun 5.0 UVB 12ā€ (photos attached). I will likely be using the same basking lamp in his new custom made enclosure but plan on buying the 24ā€ T5 HO Reptisun 5.0 UVB (unless someone else has any better suggestions).
  • Temperature - I bought a temp gun and the basking branch is right around 80-85 degrees, but his skin is around 94 degrees (Iā€™ve seen mixed opinions on if thatā€™s too hot or not so please lmk). As for the rest of the enclosure, it ranges from 80 and then down to about 73 the lower in the enclosure you go. When nighttime rolls around and his lights are off, his enclosure is around 70-72 degrees.
  • Humidity - Daytime humidity is around 37%ish and during the night, I usually get it up to 100%, but drops to around 60%ish by the time I re-mist at 6:30am. I use a little humidity gauge stuck on the wall to measure this. I mist for about two minutes at 6:30am and two more minutes at 9pm. I also have a dripper running all day (photo attached). When I notice the humidity drops to 35% during the day, Iā€™ll spray a few seconds at a time, as needed, until it reaches 40%ish (asking for a Mistking for my birthday in October because wowza, those thangs are PRICEY, but for now, the manual pump seems to be working alright).
  • Plants - Iā€™m not using live plants. Iā€™m using all fake vines/plants attached to floors, walls, and ceiling of cage (photos attached). I really want to get some real plants and have gone to home depot/lowes at least three times in the past week to buy some but FREAK. Iā€™m terrified of pesticides/fertilizer on the leaves and even the organic soil kinda freaks me out. I donā€™t wanna do anything to harm my lil guy!! So any advice/soil recommendations would mean so much to me :)
  • Placement - My cage is in a corner and thereā€™s windows on both adjacent walls, but the enclosure is not really getting direct, constant sun bc the windows are on the part of the wall furthest from enclosure. Itā€™s in a corner with basically no foot traffic (except my bf and I going to check in on our cham haha). The cage is on a wooden nightstand, which is about 30 inches off the floor. Thereā€™s no fans or vents near the enclosure but we do have central air.
  • Location - Currently living in Florida, but moving back to Connecticut in August.
Oh also, my Cham shed on Friday and it was so friggin cute so enjoy a pic below of that awe :)

Hope this is detailed enough, but please donā€™t hesitate to ask questions! Again, Iā€™m so new to this but trust me- Iā€™m INVESTED!! looking forward to hearing everyoneā€™s experience and advice!!


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Iā€™ll be putting my feedback in bold. Iā€™m also going to be breaking this down into two parts.
Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon: Male Veiled, had him for a week. Itā€™s hard to determine his age, but he isnā€™t yet fully grown. Iā€™ll make a guesstimate that he might be around 6 months old. His casque still has some growing to do, but heā€™s got a very prominent tarsal spur, so no question at all about gender.
  • Handling - Havenā€™t touched him, but have hand fed him mealworms and crickets a few time and he seems unbothered. Ok. Itā€™s good to let him settle in to his new home. Veileds are notorious for their attitudes, so heā€™ll probably let you know exactly how he feels about handling. You do want to build trust with him though and are off to a good start.
  • Feeding - Feeding him as many mealworms he can eat (usually 10-12/day) dusted with calcium powder NO D3 (photo attached). Mealworms are not good staple feeders for chameleons, but there are several which are. Iā€™m attaching some graphics to help guide you. Variety is best and since many of the feeders will probably need to be bought on line, try getting a variety pack if available. Check the forum sponsors for great vendors. While youā€™re in Florida, we canā€™t have dubia, but we can have discoid roaches. A nice vendor in Florida who has discoids is I also feed him gut loaded crickets (usually ten-ish every other day or so) with fresh veg and zoomed cricket care (photo attached). Generally the insect foods from Flukerā€™s, Zoo Med and others is seriously lacking, but this product looks ok enough for now. Once itā€™s gone though, I wouldnā€™t advise to buy more. The added vitamins and minerals probably wonā€™t do much for the health of your feeders and in some cases, could potentially cause problems for your chameleon. Usually fresh produce is best and easiest. There are some quality commercial products for convenience or to round out your insects diets, like Repashy Bug Burger (avoid Repashy superload), Mazuri better bug, cricket crack, etc.
  • Supplements - I dust ALL crickets and mealworms I feed him with zoomed repticalcium NO d3. I plan on dusting all his buggies with repticalcium WITH d3 on June 12 and then once every two weeks from there on out (photos of supps attached). This is perfect! Butā€¦you also need a good multivitamin which will also be used for one feeding every other week, just like the D3 but not on the same day as the D3. ReptiVite without D3 is a great one that I recommend.
  • Watering - I use a big old fashioned mister (photo attached). His lights are on from 7am-7pm and I mist for about two minutes at 6:30am and 9pm. This is good I also have a dripper running all day Use of a dripper should be for just about 15-20 minutes. The enclosure needs time to fully dry out (photo attached). Iā€™ve never seen the lil guy drink. Not at all unusual. Many chameleons are secretive about drinking.
  • Fecal Description - He poops maybe twice a day and the poop is brown with white stuff on it and seems pretty moist. The white is his urine, called urate. Youā€™ll judge his hydration status by the color of it. All white to having just a little bit of yellow or orange on one end is fine. All dark or orange is dehydrated. As far as Iā€™m aware, heā€™s never been tested for parasites. I definitely suggest you have this done.
  • History - I know nothing about his past, unfortunately. Bought him from petsmart and while Iā€™m not proud of it, at least I know I will be able to offer him a better life than a commercial pet store will! Well, at least it wasnā€™t Petco. šŸ˜„ No one is perfect and some of us do have animals from chain pet stores (one of mine is from Petco). We donā€™t judge. šŸ˜Š

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - Glass 18x18x24 but it has a mesh cover and a lil mesh at the top (chimney effect, photos attached). I fell victim to the thrive brand chameleon kit (donā€™t worry, I bought him all new equipment the next day lol). Iā€™m aware his enclosure is small, but will be moving in early August and my dad and I will be custom building him a 2x2x4 enclosure with entirely mesh sides. Since your dad will be building it, why not make it bigger if you can? I know not everyone has the space, but chameleons really do seem to enjoy having extra space. I have mine in double sized enclosures and even my girls use all of their space. Hoping the smaller glass cage is sufficient until then. If I could go back in time, I woulda bought the big big tank right off the bat, but ya live and ya learn! Heā€™ll survive, but he wonā€™t be happy. If he is willingly coming out onto your hand, he is trying to escape from an environment he doesnā€™t like. If you donā€™t have other pets, maybe make a safe free range area for him by a window (they love looking out) and give him some supervised free range time.
  • Lighting - Lights on at 7am, off at 7pm. Good We have a 75W basking light and T5 HO Reptisun 5.0 UVB 12ā€ (photos attached). Try placing the uvb diagonally. I will likely be using the same basking lamp in his new custom made enclosure but plan on buying the 24ā€ T5 HO Reptisun 5.0 UVB (unless someone else has any better suggestions). The Arcadia Pro T5 with a 6% bulb is quite nice.
  • Temperature - I bought a temp gun and the basking branch is right around 80-85 degrees, but his skin is around 94 degrees (Iā€™ve seen mixed opinions on if thatā€™s too hot or not so please lmk). This is too hot. Get a digital thermometer with a probe end and place it at basking area. His temp shouldnā€™t go above 85. As for the rest of the enclosure, it ranges from 80 and then down to about 73 the lower in the enclosure you go. When nighttime rolls around and his lights are off, his enclosure is around 70-72 degrees. Ok, good.
  • Humidity - Daytime humidity is around 37%ish perfect and during the night, I usually get it up to 100%, but drops to around 60%ish by the time I re-mist at 6:30am. Just do make sure to monitor night temps as yours are right on the line for not wanting to raise humidity at night. Usually we say if your night temps arenā€™t below 68-70, you shouldnā€™t raise humidity at night. I use a little humidity gauge stuck on the wall to measure this. Hoping itā€™s digital. The analog ones are notoriously inaccurate. I mist for about two minutes at 6:30am and two more minutes at 9pm. I also have a dripper running all day (photo attached). When I notice the humidity drops to 35% during the day, Iā€™ll spray a few seconds at a time, as needed, until it reaches 40%ish (asking for a Mistking for my birthday in October because wowza, those thangs are PRICEY, but for now, the manual pump seems to be working alright). Mist kings are worth their weight in Gold!
  • Plants - Iā€™m not using live plants. Iā€™m using all fake vines/plants attached to floors, walls, and ceiling of cage (photos attached). I really want to get some real plants and have gone to home depot/lowes at least three times in the past week to buy some but FREAK. Iā€™m terrified of pesticides/fertilizer on the leaves and even the organic soil kinda freaks me out. I donā€™t wanna do anything to harm my lil guy!! So any advice/soil recommendations would mean so much to me :) Your guy is at greater risk of harm from fake plants than safe live ones. Veileds like to nibble their plants and they have been known to eat a fake leaf and get a bowel obstruction which can be fatal if not identified and treated promptly. I get my plants from Loweā€™s, Home Depot and Walmart. I remove all of the soil down to the bare roots and then usually plunge it upside down (roots not in water) in a bucket of soapy water (I use Dawn dish soap) and gently agitate or massage the leaves to clean them. The I rinse rinse rinse and rinse some more. I do this all outside with the hose to take advantage of the water pressure. Then I repot in organic soil (nothing with perlite). Some will cover the soil with river rocks which are too big to accidentally be eaten. Even if all you use is pothos, thatā€™s fine. Remove all of the fake plants. Some plants will require additional grow lights. There is Arcadia Jungle Dawn or Sansi, which is my choice. Avoid any that have colored lights. This will help guide you.
  • Placement - My cage is in a corner and thereā€™s windows on both adjacent walls, but the enclosure is not really getting direct, constant sun bc the windows are on the part of the wall furthest from enclosure. Itā€™s in a corner with basically no foot traffic (except my bf and I going to check in on our cham haha). The cage is on a wooden nightstand, which is about 30 inches off the floor. Thereā€™s no fans or vents near the enclosure but we do have central air. Sounds good
  • Location - Currently living in Florida, but moving back to Connecticut in August. Awesome!
Oh also, my Cham shed on Friday and it was so friggin cute so enjoy a pic below of that awe :)

Hope this is detailed enough, but please donā€™t hesitate to ask questions! Hey! Thatā€™s my line! šŸ¤ŖAgain, Iā€™m so new to this but trust me- Iā€™m INVESTED!! looking forward to hearing everyoneā€™s experience and advice!! I think youā€™re off to a good start. The only thing you didnā€™t mention though is the water glass. Itā€™s completely not a natural way for a chameleon to drink and they donā€™t even recognize still water. Also, I suggest getting a feeding station. Thereā€™s a few different styles. For all screen there is the shooting gallery for all there is and plus thereā€™s several variations on Etsy. Whichever you choose, youā€™ll want it to be just below the level of and visible from basking area.
Hi and welcome to the forum! Youā€™ve gotten great advice from the experts, feel free to post pictures and get to know everyone! Your guy is very cute!
Hi yā€™all!

Just created a new enclosure after spending so much time researching chameleon husbandry!! I certainly still have a lot to learn, but Iā€™m definitely more confident in my chameleon keeping abilities! Looking for an updated husbandry review, thank ya :)

Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon: Male Veiled, had him since June 2.
  • Handling - Havenā€™t touched him, but hand feed him crickets sometimes and he doesnā€™t seem to mind.
  • Feeding - I always have mealworms in his feeding dish, but he doesnā€™t really eat em. I feed him about 8 live crickets a day, which he HOUSES. All buggies are dusted with calcium powder NO D3. I feed the crickets zoomed cricket care and thereā€™s a zoomed cricket calcium and gut load block for them to munch on.
  • Supplements - I dust ALL buggies with zoomed repticalcium NO d3. I dust his buggies with repticalcium WITH d3 every 2 weeks and reptivite vitamins NO d3 every two weeks.
  • Watering- Boyfriend bought me a Mist King starter and Iā€™m setting it up tomorrow. His lights are on from 7am-7pm so I plan to run the Mist King for two minutes at 6:30am and another two minutes 9pm. I had a dripper running every day in his old enclosure, but not for very long. Iā€™m hoping with the new enclosure/Mist King a dripper wonā€™t be necessary but weā€™ll see! Iā€™ve seen bro drink once. Also, one of the previous replies mentioned the mason jar, thatā€™s only in the enclosure to catch the water falling from the dripper onto a leaf so it doesnā€™t flood the glass floor!
  • Fecal Description - He poops about every other day and his poop is solid brown with white urates. As far as Iā€™m aware, heā€™s never been tested for parasites.
  • History - I know nothing about his past, unfortunately. Bought him from petsmart and while Iā€™m not proud of it, at least I know I will be able to offer him a better life than a commercial pet store will!

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - Zoomed Reptibreeze XL! 24x24x48! My dad and I plan on turning an old cabinet we have into an enclosure at some point, but that might be a time consuming, lengthy project, so for now, the Zoomed XL will do!
  • Lighting - Lights on at 7am, off at 7pm. We have a 50w dome basking light and T5 HO Reptisun 5.0 UVB 24ā€.
  • Temperature - I bought a temp gun and the basking branch is right around 80-82 degrees, but his skin is around 82-85 degrees. As for the rest of the enclosure, it ranges from 80 and then down to about 72 the lower in the enclosure you go. When nighttime rolls around and his lights are off, his enclosure is around 70-72 degrees.
  • Humidity - Daytime humidity is around 43%ish and during the night, I usually get it up to 100%, but drops to around 70%ish by the time I re-mist at 6:30am. I use a little humidity gauge stuck on the wall to measure this.
  • Plants - Ayo new enclosure, real plants only!! Iā€™ve got some Pothos, polka dot plants, spider plants, and croton up in there. Repotted in organic soil and sprayed down, obviously. Iā€™ve also got plenty of real sticks from my backyard zip tied together in there.
  • Placement - My cage is in a corner and thereā€™s windows on both adjacent walls, but the enclosure is not really getting direct, constant sun bc the windows are on the part of the wall furthest from enclosure. Itā€™s in a corner of my room and the only person ever in there is me. Currently on the hunt for a stand for the new XL screen enclosure (recommendations/suggestions are much appreciated). Thereā€™s a radiator on the wall behind my enclosure but the stand will raise enclosure above that.
  • Location - Lifeā€™s confusing right now. Currently living in FL but am in CT for the weekend. Iā€™m moving back to CT mid-August, so Iā€™ve spent this weekend setting up the new screen enclosure (photo attached) in CT. The old glass enclosure (photos attached in previous thread) will be left behind in FL, but Iā€™m taking the basking lamp and dripper with me back to CT. Iā€™m going to be driving from FL to CT (about 20 hours) with my chameleon so please let me know the best way to travel with these lil fellas. I might stop at a hotel but certainly donā€™t have too if that will cause my Cham too much stress.

Hope this makes sense. Basically Iā€™m in a transition period. My Cham is currently in the glass enclosure in Florida from my previous thread, but Iā€™ve set up his new enclosure (mostly) for when we arrive back in CT mid-August.

Thanks yā€™all in advancešŸ«¶


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I'm sure some experienced people will chime in. I would make sure he is well hydrated. The week before departure, I would add an extra night time misting and if you use a fogger, I would add a few extra hours each night prior to departure. I would also have a fat, juicy hornworm to give him a few hour before departure.
Hi everyone and happy halloweenšŸŽƒ

My lil fella, Mel, has been living in Connecticut now for about 3 months. His enclosure/schedule has adapted and is stable post-move, so I figure itā€™d be a good time for another husbandry review!

Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon: Male Veiled, had him since June 2.
  • Handling - Took him to the vet. They said heā€™s the meaning Cham theyā€™ve ever seen! I can hand feed him but wonā€™t try and handle him haha!
  • Feeding - I feed him about 8 live large crickets/day, which he HOUSES. I feed the crickets zoomed cricket care and thereā€™s a zoomed cricket calcium and gut load block for them to munch on. Additionally, Iā€™ll add carrots, lettuce, blueberries, and raspberries in there. Iā€™ll occasionally treat him to dubia roaches, horn worms, and super worms.
  • Supplements - I dust ALL buggies with zoomed repticalcium NO d3. I dust his buggies with repticalcium WITH d3 every 2 weeks and reptivite vitamins NO d3 every two weeks. Question: I had my boyfriend feed Mel this weekend and he accidentally used Reptivite No D3 instead of Calicium No D3 to feed him. Mel was due for a calcium D3 and Reptivite No D3 on 11/1 and 11/4, respectively. Should I still give him the Reptivite then even though itā€™ll be less than two weeks since the last time he got it? Or skip the vitamins and go two weeks from this weekend?
  • Watering- Mistkings are a game changer! Melā€™s lights are on from 7am-7pm so I run the Mist King for two minutes at 6:30am, another two minutes at 9pm, and for one minute at midnight. I have a dripper running every few days or so. Iā€™ve seen Mel drink once.
  • Fecal Description - He poops every day-ish and itā€™s solid brown with white urates. Had him tested for parasites this Summer and he had none!
  • History - I know nothing about his past, unfortunately. Bought him from a commercial petstore.

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - Zoomed Reptibreeze XL! 24x24x48! My dad and I still plan on turning an old cabinet we have into an enclosure at some point, but thatā€™s a time consuming, lengthy project, so for now, the Zoomed XL will do!
  • Lighting - Lights on at 7am, off at 7pm. We have a 50w dome basking light and T5 HO Reptisun 5.0 UVB 24ā€.
  • Temperature - Temp gun says Melā€™s skin is around 77-80 degrees when heā€™s on the basking branch. As for the rest of the enclosure, it ranges from 73-68 degrees the lower in the enclosure you go. When nighttime rolls around and his lights are off, his enclosure is around 65 degrees.
  • Humidity - Daytime humidity is around 43%ish during the day and is around 67% by the time the mister goes off at 6:30am. I use a little humidity gauge stuck on a branch measure this.
  • Plants - Real plants only!! Iā€™ve got some Pothos, polka dot plants, and spider plants. My croton died so I had to toss it. All plants are repotted in organic soil and sprayed down, obviously. Iā€™ve also got plenty of real sticks from my backyard zip tied together in there.
  • Placement - My cage is in a corner and thereā€™s windows on both adjacent walls, but the enclosure is not really getting direct, constant sun bc the windows are on the part of the wall furthest from enclosure. Itā€™s in a corner of my room and the only person ever in there is me. Thereā€™s a radiator on the wall behind my enclosure but the stand will raise enclosure above that.
  • Location - Back in Connecticut- for now! Wondering if Iā€™ll have to make any adjustments to the enclosure as I brace the New England Winter!
Any advice/feedback would be greatly appreciated. Just wanna make sure Mel is THRIVINGā¤ļø

Also, along with images of the enclosure, supplements, and Mel, enjoy the chameleon/manatee pumpkin I carved this week!


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Heā€™s grown quite a bit! Look at that casque! šŸ„° Youā€™re doing great, but I do still have some suggestions for you.
  • Your Chameleon: Male Veiled, had him since June 2.
  • Handling - Took him to the vet. They said heā€™s the meaning Cham theyā€™ve ever seen! I can hand feed him but wonā€™t try and handle him haha! Continue working on building trust with him. Heā€™ll likely never be very friendly, but itā€™s good to have some trust.
  • Feeding - I feed him about 8 live large crickets/day, which he HOUSES. Huh? Is that a typo? I feed the crickets zoomed cricket care and thereā€™s a zoomed cricket calcium and gut load block for them to munch on. When you run out of that stuff, no need to get more. It really doesnā€™t do much other than convenience for us. Instead get some Repashy Bug Burger which is much more nutritious. Additionally, Iā€™ll add carrots, lettuce, blueberries, and raspberries in there. The lettuce doesnā€™t do much other than hydrate. Much better would be to give something like dandelion or turnip greens. Easy on the fruitsā€¦high in sugars. Look back up to the gutload graphic. One of my staples for my bugs is squashes - yellow summer squash, butternut, acorn, spaghetti, pumpkin, etc. For those days when Iā€™m either low on their produce or being lazy, I keep a package of frozen stir fry veggies (bell pepper, baby corn, pea pods, etc) that I can just grab a little, thaw and give my bugs. Iā€™ll occasionally treat him to dubia roaches, horn worms, and super worms. Just curious why dubia are a treat? They are a healthy addition to your staple feeders. Again, look above for the feeding graphic. You could add in some silkworms, grasshoppers or bsfl to your staples. Let the bsfl pupate into flies and those make fun treats to give. Try some of the variety packs from some of the on line vendors. Hereā€™s just a few.
  • Supplements - I dust ALL buggies with zoomed repticalcium NO d3. I dust his buggies with repticalcium WITH d3 every 2 weeks and reptivite vitamins NO d3 every two weeks. Question: I had my boyfriend feed Mel this weekend and he accidentally used Reptivite No D3 instead of Calicium No D3 to feed him. Mel was due for a calcium D3 and Reptivite No D3 on 11/1 and 11/4, respectively. Should I still give him the Reptivite then even though itā€™ll be less than two weeks since the last time he got it? Or skip the vitamins and go two weeks from this weekend? I would probably change my schedule, but if thatā€™s not convenient, then one missed ā€˜doseā€™ is ok.
  • Watering- Mistkings are a game changer! Melā€™s lights are on from 7am-7pm so I run the Mist King for two minutes at 6:30am, another two minutes at 9pm, and for one minute at midnight. I have a dripper running every few days or so. Iā€™ve seen Mel drink once. Perfect
  • Fecal Description - He poops every day-ish and itā€™s solid brown with white urates. Had him tested for parasites this Summer and he had none! Excellent
  • History - I know nothing about his past, unfortunately. Bought him from a commercial petstore.
  • Cage Type - Zoomed Reptibreeze XL! 24x24x48! My dad and I still plan on turning an old cabinet we have into an enclosure at some point, but thatā€™s a time consuming, lengthy project, so for now, the Zoomed XL will do! Sounds good!
  • Lighting - Lights on at 7am, off at 7pm. We have a 50w dome basking light and T5 HO Reptisun 5.0 UVB 24ā€. (y)
  • Temperature - Temp gun says Melā€™s skin is around 77-80 degrees when heā€™s on the basking branch. As for the rest of the enclosure, it ranges from 73-68 degrees the lower in the enclosure you go. When nighttime rolls around and his lights are off, his enclosure is around 65 degrees. Ok, but I still suggest using a thermometer with a probe end at basking area. Night temp drop is great.
  • Humidity - Daytime humidity is around 43%ish during the day and is around 67% by the time the mister goes off at 6:30am. I use a little humidity gauge stuck on a branch measure this. Since you have such a good temp drop at night, you could add a humidifier and boost humidity as high as it will go at night. Or alternatively, add a few brief 15 second mistings for during the night to boost it.
  • Plants - Real plants only!! Iā€™ve got some Pothos, polka dot plants, and spider plants. My croton died so I had to toss it. All plants are repotted in organic soil and sprayed down, obviously. Iā€™ve also got plenty of real sticks from my backyard zip tied together in there. Iā€™ve had poor luck with croton too. I suspect they have very high light needs. You may want to add a plant light to help your plants grow better. Your enclosure definitely could use more plants. I suggest a tall center plant, like a weeping fig or money tree. If you can find a schefflera at this time of year in CT, that would be great too. If you canā€™t find any tall plants, get more pothos and place them on the floor of the enclosure (or only slightly elevated off it) and as it grows upwards, the leaves become larger. Adding some pics to show you.
  • Placement - My cage is in a corner and thereā€™s windows on both adjacent walls, but the enclosure is not really getting direct, constant sun bc the windows are on the part of the wall furthest from enclosure. Itā€™s in a corner of my room and the only person ever in there is me. Thereā€™s a radiator on the wall behind my enclosure but the stand will raise enclosure above that. Ok
  • Location - Back in Connecticut- for now! Wondering if Iā€™ll have to make any adjustments to the enclosure as I brace the New England Winter! Hopefully your house is well insulted and there wonā€™t be any drafts. You might want to have some stronger watt basking bulbs on hand just in case.
Any advice/feedback would be greatly appreciated. Just wanna make sure Mel is THRIVINGā¤ļø Even though Iā€™m making several suggestions, youā€™re doing great. Itā€™s a process of learning, growing and making changes. :)

This is how I like to set things up. Lots of branches set up in between the plants and plenty of leafy cover to drink from, hide behind and get some shade under.

Donā€™t know if you can see it well, but the pothos leaves at the top are huge. The pothos was growing like crazy and every now and then I had to cut it back.
Such a handsome man! And the pumpkin is incredible! @MissSkittles covered everything, but Iā€™d like to add that moving his dripper to the top of his cage from the bottom (or even better resting on top of or above the top screen) will be much better, you want the water to drip on a plant at the top of the cage and hit multiple plants/leaves on the way down. Assuming the red thing at the bottom of his cage is a feeding cup, Iā€™d move that up in the cage, too
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