New Chameleon Owner. Getting a Panther on Friday.


New Member
On Friday I will be getting a male Blue Bar Ambilobe Male that is 3-5 months old. It will be my first reptile. I've done a ton of research and ordered the Reptibreeze Chameleon kit, along with many other supplies. I have small mealworms and small crickets. I just need some advice before I get him/someone to ask questions to when I get him.
I am so excited for this little guy. I understand it will be a long process, but I am determined to establish a relationship of trust where he doesn't hate to be handled (I know they don't like a ton of interaction, I'm only talking 15-30 min a day). So I would greatly appreciate some advice!!!
Welcome to the forums and congrats on your new panther. If you are buying him from a big breeder, chances are he's has not been handled. Being shipped and having all new surrounding is going to be a big adjustment for him so I recommend giving him some time to settle in before you handle him. I'm attaching my blog for new keepers below and a link for taming chameleons. Also, mealworms are not very good feeders for chameleons because they are hard to digest so I'd recommend a different worm to feed on a regular basis and only give one or two mealworms a week. A large variety of well gut load feeders is very important for chameleons. I recommend crickets, roaches, stick insects, mantis, flies, silkworms, butter worms, hornworms, super worms and Phoenix worms.
Hello and welcome! Super advice from Jann as usual!

I think that 15/30 mins a day handling is too much for a chameleon, to be honest.... they generally get very stressed when being handled and too much stress can make them ill. Try and keep the mindset that they are the reptile versions of marine fish - beautiful and fascinating to watch, but from a distance lol!

I have an adult male Veiled and a 6 month Panther and handle them at the most once a week for about 10 mins maximum.

My only other piece of advice would be to read and digest all of the care sheets and information on the forum.

Good luck!
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