New Chameleon Owner having problems already

Hmm well I did get the fogger to work it just needs to be in a sufficient amount of water. I made a mistake in the spelling btw it is a ReptiGLO :p. Yea I guess I'll have to bring the supplements back and ask if they have ones with no phos in them.
Try to get dust ones. Its a lot easier and better. I use repcal supplements (which I think I saw at petco/petsmart even, though I do not support the purchasing of anything from those stores and try to keep my family from getting anything from there at all costs.
I seem to have a problem balancing the temperature now in the cage. I was using a normal desk lamp on top of the cage with the regular house bulbs for the heat. I am trying to figure out which will give me the 80-83 degrees that are good for him and i keep missing. With the 60 W with the desk lamp it wasn't heating fast enough and was around 73 degrees so i switched the lamp with the clamp lamp that sits on top of the tank and then the digital thermometer went to 90 degrees way too fast so i went back to a 40 watt on the clamp lamp to see if it will give me the temp range he needs. Right now he is staying under the UVB light. I want to get him to drink and eat and he hasn't done neither while I watch him. I got him a few days ago and a few people said some chams take a week or so to get used to their new environment so i'm wondering how concerned i should be.
Edit: Digital thermometer at the top of the cage closest to the normal bulb reads 82 degrees :D. The one not near the light source by the bottom of the cage reads about 71 degrees. Should i just try to put a cricket right near his face and see if he does anything?
Well, try to get the temp right, raise the 60 watt if you have to. As for drinking and eating, some won't do it in front of you at all. As for aclimating some take a week or even more sometimes, but as a baby you want to try to get it to eat as soon as possible. If you keep moving things around in his cage you may be freaking him out causing him to not want to eat. He is probably just not drinking when you are there. As long as his urates are white he's fine as far as water is goes.
Well I am moving things around a lot in his cage trying to set up the stuff I bought for him last night. He looks at me while i do it but he doesn't hiss or anything. Also when I used the fogger in the tank and sprayed normally with a water bottle the humidity eventually went to 40, is that a good level for him? Also I see some white spots on the main plant he hangs out on I am guessing this is his urine. His poop appears to be mostly black with a small bit of white in it.
Yes, when it is dry, but you need a digital hygrometer to tell for sure. Try to nt mve stuff around for a week or two now.
Ok I need to know a quick something about cham behavior to know what's what here. Basically at one point in the day yesterday the cham went from the main plant to the fogger's wire that comes from out of the tank (fogger was off). He then went to sleep there at whatever time so I left it there for him, and he was still there this morning. I really needed to get the fogger out of the tank so i could fill the cup it was in with fresh water and he simply wouldn't get off the wire. I even unplugged the fogger and lifted him up and out of the cage on the wire and he didn't move until i slowly twisted the wire upside down. And ofc, he was pissed turning all sorts of brown and opening his mouth at me lol. Is it normal for him to be in a spot that long is my main question. Also he has some dry looking spots on him and there seem to be a few more than yesterday so this probably means he is starting to shed right?
Are the dry spots cloudy looking? Probably a shed.

Did he fall alseep during the day? Try to make a tube go from the fogged to the cage or something, you don't want it inside the cage.
The fog goes into the cage whether i got it on top of it or in it it seems. When it's on top it dispenses the fog to the whole tank. As for his sleeping patterns he falls asleep around the time it gets dark around here in the winter which is like 5ish. I always have the lights on for him at 7AM and i close them at 7 PM.
I think my cham just ate in front of me today but I couldn't tell lmao. I was watching him/her not long after i woke up and there was a small cricket left. The cham looked down and fired the tongue and I'm pretty sure he got the cricket but i couldn't see anything cuz i was about 5 feet away. Chams only fire their tongues to eat/drink right?
if i were you i would bring him back get a 5.0 reptisun and ask for a healthier chameleon usually places have a 72 hour health policy or if u bitch enough about them selling u a sick animal theyll give u a new one, from my past experience eyes closed is a bad sign esp at such a young age he might just drop
My original starting post was about the first chameleon I was given, I exchanged it for this one. But yea they did allow me to exchange the 1st for this one but they won't let me exchange a second time.
No offense dude but it seems to me like you are pestering the poor guy an awful lot. I let my guy settle in and I'm home all day but I only check on him like 3 times a day for misting. I never put my hands in there or poke at him or anything unless I'm cleaning his cage.
Ehh the only thing i do is go over there and check on him a bit. Yet to handle him since the guy put it in my hand at the pet store.
i really don't know and i'll get some pics

hey guys am from egypt and i found a chameleon who was about to get crushed by a car so i saved it but now i don't know which breed is he/or she so i need some help here i'll get you some pics by tomorrow so plz help me thx
and i fed him/her with something called super kijaro and he/she is okay but i don't know wich breed and wat sex ?!?!? so plz help and i'll get some pics soon
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