New chameleon owner I rescued him in bad shape HELP ME!

Hello me again. lol So once again reading online here lol what's everyone's take in a bioactive tank? Also is wire mesh vs glass enclosures? Ive been looking at tanks online. Fantasizing of him being better and me being able to give him a huge enclosure when hes healed and healhty. That's more important. I see chameleons in both glass and mesh.
I found one on FB market its already sold but it looked like a huge china cabinet. it was beautiful very tall like could put a small tree in it. They had glass the bottom and mesh wire at the top on the sides. Gave me an idea. I do restore furniture as a side hustle when i have the time and resources. People quite literally give these cabinets away cause they are heavy big and unwilling to deal with them. I was thinking about turning one into and enclosure SOMEDAY. I see a lot of people building their own enclosures in reality a simple one is pretty basic and easy to make. I've had custom fish tanks before for bettas. just wanted to know thoughts or if anyone else has created their own enclosures.
You’re doing AMAZING!!! And welcome! One thing I will say about bioactive is that you’ll want to wait to do so until at least 3 fecal samples in a row have come back clean from the vet. Also good luck at the vet today! I’m cheering for the both of y’all!
Since you are going to upgrade the cage eventually, get a 24” reptisun uvb T8 5.0. They have a hood and bulb combo pack that works pretty well also Bend a Branch on Amazon is great for creating a climbing gym. Get medium and large. They are inexpensive. You can cover the back wall and one side wall with vinyl on the outside which helps with the humidity and water containment when you hand spray. Welcome to the wonderful world of chameleons. The universe provided and you are going to be amazed at what you learn.
Did you mean T5? Haha
Hey saw a veiled (which is what mine is) eating fruit? can he have fruit? ive heard no. ive heard yes. I give fruit and spinach to my crickets. So i figured he was getting the goods from that from the cricket. but he is allowed to have fruits when he better for a treat id like to know.
Hey saw a veiled (which is what mine is) eating fruit? can he have fruit? ive heard no. ive heard yes. I give fruit and spinach to my crickets. So i figured he was getting the goods from that from the cricket. but he is allowed to have fruits when he better for a treat id like to know.
While they will eat it, it and other plant matter is not needed, just stick to insects for their diet. Save it for the gutload instead! As for the spinach, it is high in oxalates, which does bind calcium, so keep to the gutload sheet @MissSkittles provided earlier

How did the rest of the visit go?
While they will eat it, it and other plant matter is not needed, just stick to insects for their diet. Save it for the gutload instead! As for the spinach, it is high in oxalates, which does bind calcium, so keep to the gutload sheet @MissSkittles provided earlier

How did the rest of the visit go?
okay note on the spinach I will remove it from the cricket holder (barf) and the vet is at 4pm. So i will let you guys know. im so nervous
The vet visit didn’t go super well. I was assured that I am (and you guys) are probably the only reason he’s alive. They were impressed how fast and informed I became in such a short time. I told him I had you guys to thank for that. That google lead me to y’all. So thank you again. They are giving me pain meds, supplements and medications. They think his ribs look like that due to fractures. And his legs are either swollen due to infection inflammation or also fractures. So who knows what these people were doing to him before me. He has a type of metabolic issue that has to do with lack of nutrition and he’s very dehydrated. He assured me that his color shows that he is better than he was when I got him, and I managed to get some kind of nutrition into him. He’s not in good shape. But he thinks it’s fixable. We come back in 2 weeks. I did pass on the bloodwork right now because I just can’t afford it, but he stated that the bloodwork would not change any type of medicine or anything that we were doing anyways. I will come back for it when he is stronger. He did not push the plugs out because he just thinks it’ll stress him out to the point that he will die. So that’s were we are.
So, both good and bad. Bad that he’s in such a sorry condition. Good that with your love and care, he’s not only made it this far, but he has a chance at surviving. I know it’s been a challenge for you, but you are making a huge difference for Baldar and he can’t express his gratitude, but I can for him. A tremendously massive THANK YOU! 💗 💗💗 However else we can help or support you, just let us know. I know I’m not your only cheerleader here.
You are amazing and while it wasn’t a perfect visit, I think he has a fighting chance with you! Thank you for giving this little dude a chance! Keep us posted on his progress good or bad. We all learn from others experience. 🤞 he continues to heal. You landed in a great community, we are so fortunate to have the knowledgeable and kind keepers we do. It’s a beast out there on the web. 😀
Not the worst news I’ve seen people receive. Thank you for caring. Thank you for saving this sweet boy. I truly believe there is a special place for people like you. And a different kind of special place for people who neglect animals, especially those they willingly take on responsibility for. I just will never understand.

You got this. The vet was right about how impressive it is how much you have learned in such little time. Keep it up and Baldar will be good in no time.
Thank you everyone I appreciate all of you. He's on gabapentin once a day, calcium once a day, EmerAid Intensive Care Carnivore once a day and vitamin A once a week. He is considered critical. There's a chance giving him the meds can push him over the edge from just stress its self. He said it will be a slow process but is hopeful. I did ask him that if he was just completely failing like its just very clear he is not getting better and the blood work came back that his kidneys and liver are failing (which is what he is concerned about) if there was a humane way to end his suffering(literally cried asking this) cause i would rather him not be miserable and in pain clear the end. If I can bring him peace to his suffering thats what i want to do. but it no where near that. but i did discuss it with him as a worst case thing. But right now we are fighting! The doctor we saw was AMAZING and he also use to own chameleons. He didnt rush the visit and answered all my questions. Googled things where he gets his supplies showed the best place for feeders when he ready to eat on his own. His info is Nick Jew, DVM, MedVet Hilliard,OH, Exotics Department. He was very patient and great with my million questions. A truly great experience and they offer emergency 24hr care for any an all pets including reptiles.
His info is Nick Jew, DVM, MedVet Hilliard,OH, Exotics Department.
@elizaann2 Can you please add this vet to your list? Thank you!

@baldarthecham It is going to be a hard road ahead, but from all that you say, Baldar is fighting and wants to live. Little by little, every day that he’s getting the best care from you, he’s got to be feeling that much better. While I want to think only positive, you need to know that whatever may happen, you’re giving him his very best chance and he knows and appreciates the care and comfort that you are giving him. 💗
@elizaann2 Can you please add this vet to your list? Thank you!

@baldarthecham It is going to be a hard road ahead, but from all that you say, Baldar is fighting and wants to live. Little by little, every day that he’s getting the best care from you, he’s got to be feeling that much better. While I want to think only positive, you need to know that whatever may happen, you’re giving him his very best chance and he knows and appreciates the care and comfort that you are giving him. 💗
Staying positive but I am concerned he hasn’t tried to bite or hiss at me for 2 days now and today he seems worse. I’m sure the stress of yesterday played apart but he doesn’t seem the best today.
@elizaann2 Can you please add this vet to your list? Thank you!

@baldarthecham It is going to be a hard road ahead, but from all that you say, Baldar is fighting and wants to live. Little by little, every day that he’s getting the best care from you, he’s got to be feeling that much better. While I want to think only positive, you need to know that whatever may happen, you’re giving him his very best chance and he knows and appreciates the care and comfort that you are giving him. 💗
You bet! Please see attached :)


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There are ebbs and flows while caring for sick chameleons. You are doing an amazing job, and have learned so much in such a short amount of time. Remember that he had months to get into the bad shape that you found him in, so there won't be an instantaneous fix that pops him back into shape immediately. Chameleons are tough little creatures, but they also hide when they are sick, so sometimes they are doing worse than we realize. I'm hoping that Baldar pulls through this, but if too much damage had been done to him, know that you have a great basis of knowledge if you decide to get another chameleon in the future.
There are ebbs and flows while caring for sick chameleons. You are doing an amazing job, and have learned so much in such a short amount of time. Remember that he had months to get into the bad shape that you found him in, so there won't be an instantaneous fix that pops him back into shape immediately. Chameleons are tough little creatures, but they also hide when they are sick, so sometimes they are doing worse than we realize. I'm hoping that Baldar pulls through this, but if too much damage had been done to him, know that you have a great basis of knowledge if you decide to get another chameleon in the future.
Yeah, I can tell things are getting worse cause he’s hiding and he hasn’t been hiding the whole time I’ve had him. He was on the bottom in the corner of his cage, and he was pretty dark color but when I went to move him, he did hiss at me which he hasn’t done for a few days so I put him underneath his light and I’ll mess with him a little bit later and get some food in him and get his medicine. I truly think that taking him to the vet is helpful as it was he might’ve just pushed him over on his stress level or maybe this was gonna happen regardless because of how bad he is it breaks my heart seeing him like this. I emailed the vet to make sure that I don’t need to bring him in sooner or this is ER status.He’s not open mouth breathing and that was something he said to watch for and I have a camera on him. he’s just not what he was a few days ago. he did poop though like a good looking poop not just the white splats it’s a pretty decent size. So I don’t know.
Yeah, I can tell things are getting worse cause he’s hiding and he hasn’t been hiding the whole time I’ve had him. He was on the bottom in the corner of his cage, and he was pretty dark color but when I went to move him, he did hiss at me which he hasn’t done for a few days so I put him underneath his light and I’ll mess with him a little bit later and get some food in him and get his medicine. I truly think that taking him to the vet is helpful as it was he might’ve just pushed him over on his stress level or maybe this was gonna happen regardless because of how bad he is it breaks my heart seeing him like this. I emailed the vet to make sure that I don’t need to bring him in sooner or this is ER status.He’s not open mouth breathing and that was something he said to watch for and I have a camera on him. he’s just not what he was a few days ago. he did poop though like a good looking poop not just the white splats it’s a pretty decent size. So I don’t know.
Really hoping and praying that he pulls through. 💗 🙏 But if he doesn’t, you’ve done everything that could possibly be done. We always will second guess ourselves - you might think, “maybe the stress from the vet was too much”, but if you hadn’t taken him it would then be “why didn’t I take him”, or “why didn’t I take him sooner”, “if only….” and those questions are never ending and serve no purpose. As many of us have, I’ve been there too many times. But I’ve also been here with you since your beginning with Baldar and honestly, what you have been doing would be challenging for even an experienced keeper. Whether he pulls thru and survives or not, as I’ve been saying, you’ve given him a chance that he otherwise didn’t have. Plus, whether chameleons feel these things or not, we do and you’ve given Baldar back some comfort, his dignity and his worth that his life matters - he is loved and has touched all of our hearts there and here. 💗
He seemed to have a better day yesterday he didnt hide all day until I had to give meds and his food supplements. This morning he was on the bottom of the cage. but he hadn't done that for 2 days or so. again im assuming the meds stressed him out. yesterday he decide to just let go while i was messing with him to give him his meds(its not the easiest thing in the world to do) so idk if this was that suicide drop attempt that @MissSkittles mentioned to me before or if this was a freeze thing hes done that once before. reminded me of a possum. He was still a decent color tho and was responsive when i retrieved him and put him on his basking branch. which he grabbed on to well. so fingers crossed he was stressed and decided to hide on the bottom. i do wait until its bedtime to give meds and food to limit bothering him as much as possible. maybe i should do it sooner. I was spreading it out but then i felt like that was to much bothering. so i decided to do it at once once a day so he has HOURS of being alone. any advice on giving meds as stress less as possible ill take it. The vet said there was no real way to avoid this and thats when he explained that us trying to save him could also kill him but unfortunately there was no other way to do this. but did say they are tough and it usually doesnt but hes so bad that its a chance. ill post and updated pic today when i get home.
Are the meds given orally? Regarding keeping the stress as low as possible…if the meds are oral, try getting the chameleon drinking from a dripper and as the mouth is opening and closing to drink, slip/ease the meds in with a dropper or needleless syringe. Insects can also be given while he’s drinking to ease the stress.

What is the form of vitamin A the chameleon is being given? PrEformed (retinol) or prOformed (beta carotene)?

@absolutbill said…”There are ebbs and flows while caring for sick chameleons”…this is quite true IMHO…not only with chameleons but many other reptiles too. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if they are “accepting” your help or giving up.

Regarding the dropping..I would look at it like more of a trying to escape/get away from you thing…not a suicide attempt.

Regarding feeding him…this might help…

Fingers crossed for him!
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