new chameleon owner wondering about food

i live in canada they have never seen a lizzard and ive seen a bluejay sitting two inches from him and he walked right past it and it flew away, and the squirls are too buisy eating all the peanuts i leave for them to bother with him, again ive seen them in close proximity to him before but neither payed any attention

There ARE lizards native to canada, and there ARE birds that eat lizards, not to mention cats, etc. Not to mention birds that migrate to the south, where there are even more lizards to eat.
Leaving your chameleon outside unprotected is stupid.
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no fair symbiot :p im watching tv as well i cant type as fast lol
i appreciate your concern and as soon as the nightime low temp on my thermometer goes below 17 he is coming in immediately peace and <3 to all you animal lovers!

dont be a hippie, dont think for one second a chameleon or any exotic reptile can thrive in our "nature". i live in windsor where it gets hotter than it is toronto, and even if i did live in veiled suitable climate all year round, there is no chance on God's earth i would keep them out at night. you can NEVER predict what the temp and wheather change is going to be when your sleeping, and you can NEVER predict what preditors are out. you live in toronto and have NOT been able to find food for three days? or have you just not bothered to go look? take offence to this all you want or seriously take it to heart, but they way you come off as if your procrastinating moving him outside, makes you a very irresponsible keeper in my eyes, the fact that you said you had straight rain every other day for a week.. you've left him out? do you not understand that yemen saudi arabia doesnt rain like this? do you not understand that the climate is usually hot and dry? a veileds body isnt meant for high humidity and with the rain every other day for a week and the heat.. i would honestly go get his lungs checked for the last few months you've let him "live" outside.

sory man, but im calling it as is on this one.
oh.. and the fact that you stated he lives outside free to run away, but hasnt yet wanted to. dude this ticks me off. find this guy a new a home. :mad::mad:

peace and <3 too all you animal loves HA! this just ruined my day. :mad:
This is a fresh question, i have a baby veiled she keeps trying to eat the fake leaves and hasnt been eating as many crickets as normal in the past 2 days i would think because of her cage being changed around. was wondering can i offer her some organic green kale or collard greens that i use for feeders?
There ARE lizards native to canada, and there ARE birds that eat lizards, not to mention cats, etc. Not to mention birds that migrate to the south, where there are even more lizards to eat.
Leaving your chameleon outside unprotected is stupid.
AHH the truth... youguys will all be happy and note that goonie is officially a indoor chameleon :(
dont be a hippie, dont think for one second a chameleon or any exotic reptile can thrive in our "nature". i live in windsor where it gets hotter than it is toronto, and even if i did live in veiled suitable climate all year round, there is no chance on God's earth i would keep them out at night. you can NEVER predict what the temp and wheather change is going to be when your sleeping, and you can NEVER predict what preditors are out. you live in toronto and have NOT been able to find food for three days? or have you just not bothered to go look? take offence to this all you want or seriously take it to heart, but they way you come off as if your procrastinating moving him outside, makes you a very irresponsible keeper in my eyes, the fact that you said you had straight rain every other day for a week.. you've left him out? do you not understand that yemen saudi arabia doesnt rain like this? do you not understand that the climate is usually hot and dry? a veileds body isnt meant for high humidity and with the rain every other day for a week and the heat.. i would honestly go get his lungs checked for the last few months you've let him "live" outside.

sory man, but im calling it as is on this one.

woww ugm cam i get a little peaceee, goonie lives inside now. he lived outside because he showed stress any time he was will be added to this post in 10 mins. please give me your input on my setup!! it would be greatly appreciated. here he is, i set this all up last night.
and here is my forum on his setup where you can give me whatever feedback you want!
dont be a hippie, dont think for one second a chameleon or any exotic reptile can thrive in our "nature". i live in windsor where it gets hotter than it is toronto, and even if i did live in veiled suitable climate all year round, there is no chance on God's earth i would keep them out at night. you can NEVER predict what the temp and wheather change is going to be when your sleeping, and you can NEVER predict what preditors are out. you live in toronto and have NOT been able to find food for three days? or have you just not bothered to go look? take offence to this all you want or seriously take it to heart, but they way you come off as if your procrastinating moving him outside, makes you a very irresponsible keeper in my eyes, the fact that you said you had straight rain every other day for a week.. you've left him out? do you not understand that yemen saudi arabia doesnt rain like this? do you not understand that the climate is usually hot and dry? a veileds body isnt meant for high humidity and with the rain every other day for a week and the heat.. i would honestly go get his lungs checked for the last few months you've let him "live" outside.

sory man, but im calling it as is on this one.

This is a fresh question, i have a baby veiled she keeps trying to eat the fake leaves and hasnt been eating as many crickets as normal in the past 2 days i would think because of her cage being changed around. was wondering can i offer her some organic green kale or collard greens that i use for feeders?

are you misting it! it is trying too eat leafs for mositure but there fake which is baddd for him
get a real plant i suggest a combo but start off with atleast one of the fallowing!
Schefflera arboricola
Ficus benjamina
Dracaena fragrans
Ficus elastica
buy organic soil with NO fertilizer and add it ontop of the existing soil! first a hard packed layer then no less than 4 inches of the organic soil.
and some more mist and your guys gunna be fine :D
edit** as for feeders try pinhead crickets
This is a fresh question, i have a baby veiled she keeps trying to eat the fake leaves and hasnt been eating as many crickets as normal in the past 2 days i would think because of her cage being changed around. was wondering can i offer her some organic green kale or collard greens that i use for feeders?

take out the fake plants immediately. if the cham is trying to eat them she could easily succeed and gobble something down that cannot be digested (aka impaction). exo-terra and zoo med fake plants are expensive but cheap, they can come apart easily.

yes you can feed fresh veggies and fruit to your cham in replacement (make sure they are chameleon appropriate). also, a variety of various insects can and will improve your cham's health, and allow them not to get tired of the same old.

i have a veiled that used to be a hudge plant eater and soil snyper. i offer all of my chams 6 different insects mixed up through different weeks. crickets are still the staple, but i allow a variety. anyways, she hasnt gone for dirt once or a leaf in months.
are you misting it! it is trying too eat leafs for mositure but there fake which is baddd for him
get a real plant i suggest a combo but start off with atleast one of the fallowing!
Schefflera arboricola
Ficus benjamina
Dracaena fragrans
Ficus elastica
buy organic soil with NO fertilizer and add it ontop of the existing soil! first a hard packed layer then no less than 4 inches of the organic soil.
and some more mist and your guys gunna be fine :D
edit** as for feeders try pinhead crickets

ficus elastica is also a rubber plant. very toxic for chams.

if you feel comfortable, you may use any type of planting soil, fertilized or organic. just leave 2'' from the top of the pot to lay down a layer of eco-earth substrate and then cover up the remaining inch with riverbed rocks. make sure you wash them first!
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