new chameleon owner

Does this look ok? Or to much? I have a Hibiscus & pothos in there. Along with more fake limbs/leaves


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All good. Everyone here is here to help / learn!

I have a nice big Pothos in mine, a couple of spider plants at the top, cant remember the name of the one at the bottom with the red in the leaves. Affordable, grows fast and provides great areas for drinking after misting.

To hold branches in place, use thumb tacks through the screen and into the end of the branch.

I believe the one at the bottom is Croton. Possibly Croton Petra. I have a few Crotons.
Should I be worried she don't like going to the bottom?her dish for worms is down there & she hasn't touched it. I did see her eat a few crickets so that makes me feel better. She's not really hunting them though. Maybe she's just getting used to all the changed? I was worried to turn off the lights last night also, so maybe that can be a problem. I will give her the 12 hours tonight. The lady at pet co said keep them on which is why I was worried
I got mine at petco as well and was told the same thing. I also bought super worms because that's what they were eating. Once I brought him home he has never once eaten a super worm or even looked at them. They rarely if ever, go to the bottom. Try raising the food dish up off the ground and definitely turn the lights off. Mine can see it's getting dark because he is near a window and will put himself to bed even before i turn his cage lights off.
I have never seen my cham on the bottom of his cage.
I am sure your lil girl will be good. Stressful day for her to have her home all uprooted and changed around. I changed my setup last Thursday and my guy is just coming around now. Showing his nice relaxed colors again and eating better. Just looking happy again. :love:
I have never seen my cham on the bottom of his cage.
I am sure your lil girl will be good. Stressful day for her to have her home all uprooted and changed around. I changed my setup last Thursday and my guy is just coming around now. Showing his nice relaxed colors again and eating better. Just looking happy again. :love:

I hope she's ok. Hadn't really been in her leaves since yesterday. Hope she's drinking enough. I've only witnessed her eat a handful of crickets since I got her. No poop either
Another question, if the crickets are eating the squishy calcium stuff, do they still need to be dusted with the other stuff?
Yes I think they still need to be lightly dusted with calcium w/o D3. Do you gut load your crickets with other things as well?
That just means putting fruit & veggies with the crickets so they can eat it right? I haven't yet but I am going to
Try some different feeders, blanche loves superworms. But I've read not to use these to often ,I've also read people that feed them everyday so not sure who to believe. Blanche will only eat one on rare ocassion 2 a day then she won't touch them again for atleast a day or two she flip flops between them and crickets, always interested in roaches though.
Super worms can be used but not a lot, since I've heard some chameleons get "addicted" and won't eat anything else but super worms which are high in fat. Also you are right! I gut load my crickets with carrots and zucchini, I also tried feeding my chameleons roaches but they seem to not be intrested in them.
Yea that's another thing that is extremely important gutloading. I use I spinach and arugula mix that is high in calcium
(20% per serving size for humans). Aside from that I mix it up a little with mushroom green and red pepper collard greens, mustard greens, radishes, sweet potatoe, and bananas. I'm sure I'm forgetting some. I sometimes dust there food with calcium too.
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