Thank you so much! We will look into a live plant or two for the humidity, our home Depot is terrible but we will start looking out for those plants to add. And we will definitely get him something horizontal to hang out on. We bumped the light up a smidge and are hanging out so far around 85 so we should be good there.Honestly your cage looks pretty good as far as lights and size of the cage go but you may want to look into some live plants. veileds love to eat plants especially when they are young, and if he manages to eat a a fake leaf, it can hurt their jaw and cause impactions. Pothos and Schefflera are great for filling up space. With your cage size now you may even get away with one or two large Pothos plants from Home Depot. Get rid of all the soil from the existing pot, and repot with topsoil (no additives) and rinse off the plant itself thoroughly.
For humidity you can wrap a shower curtain around 2-3 of the sides to retain some moisture. What is the misting schedule?
Lower your temps just a smidge, shouldn't be over 85 at the basking spot.
What is your supplement schedule? Supplement brands?
One more thing, I would add some thinner branches horizontally in the cage.
His mister currently goes off three times a day, he drinks the water off the leaves and the humidity hangs around the forties and fifties. However, it drops drastically in the day but we don't want to run his mister every hour because even on the lowest setting it thoroughly drenches and I don't think it's good to have him that wet. So we got him a fogger for intermittently throughout the day which keeps him around forty. Only problem is he hates the thing. We are trying to figure out a good setting and it's kind of just making little adjustments throughout the day.
I'll look at the supplement brands but we do calcium dusting every day. We have a calcium and d3 that we will do every two weeks (skipping the only calcium on that day), and a multi for once a month. However we are just rounding out week one so at this point we have only done calcium!