New Enclosures!!


Avid Member
We just finished building our new enclosures today and would love to hear what you guys think. They are each 2' x 2' x 4' and each house a male veiled. Before anybody yells at us we are replacing our UVB and ordered a new one online so they will be without for a few days. We bought a 4' long hood so that we could lay that along the top of both. Let us know what you think, thanks! :D


very nice! How did you guys make those? It looks like theyre wood with aluminum doors but i cant tell to well. Do the cages have drainage of any sort? They look really nice though!

edit-justin beat me to the drainage issue q lol
Thanks! We have drippers on the top, are misting a few times a day. We have a pretty wide shallow catch under the large plant to catch extra water. Also we covered the bottom with linoleum tile which has made it easy to wipe off any extra moisture or poo. We built a wood frame and bought some window screens to use as sides and a door.
Oh yeah, we have the drippers drip onto the plant so the water runs down the leaves and straight into the plant instead of on the bottom of the cage. Seems to be working really well so far.
I can't tell, is the wood sealed or laquered? You don't want splinters or mold.
Yes, it's laquered. Well unfortunately we spent about 250-300 for everything, but I am an artist so I love building things...that was half the fun for me. It took me maybe three hours per cage. We bought all the supplies from home depot. Only hold up we had was they screwed up about half of the cuts the first time, so we had to return half of the wood and have them recut it. Other than that it went pretty smoothly.
those plants plants are commonly referred to as corn stalks..what is the proper name and are they "safe".. I'm asking because I'm concerned about ficus and some of these harder to maintain trees. I have raised a few of those trees/shrubs.
I believe after a while those plants will not be able to handle all the water draining into them.No offence but i learned the hard way and trying to save you some aggravation! A circular hole covered with a screen and draining into a bucket works wonders.
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