New female cham owner...Possibly carrying eggs?


New Member
So I have a beautiful 1-2 year old chameleon, and I believe she is exhibiting all of the signs of carrying eggs, except the fact that she is NOT digging.

She is fat. She is breathing heavily out of her mouth at times. She is walking on the bottom of her cage. And she has been scratching at the sides. Generally acting different. She has not turned any dark colors but has continually maintained a really bright shade of green with some small black spots and orange slashes. HEr appetite decreased, but she will still eat two to 4 crickets if they cross her path. And it doesn't seem like her grip has become weak, but the heavy open mouth breathing freaked me out a bit.

We have moved her into an acceptable (or what I think is acceptable) egg laying container for the past three days, during the day, and back to her habitat at night. It doesn't seem like she is digging.

Maybe Im just being paranoid, bc I have been nervous about this egg laying stuff since we have bought her. And the last thing I want to do is stress her out. But she is really friendly and doesn't mind people for the most part it seems.
I just don't really know what else to do. I thought I would have observed her digging, but she just has not. Any suggestions?
How 'bout putting a laying container in the bottom of the enclosure 24/7? If she wants to do the work at night, she can.
Hi...I have a laying container in the bottom of her enclosure. No digging? Its kind of weird because all of her other signs point to carrying eggs? Hmmm...Im just worried i guess
No she's definitely not hissing...She's never hissed, and I was watching her and she didn't know I was there. Its just heavy mouth breathing. And she's def fat.
I'd definitely make sure she's not too hot.

Do you have a vet you can take her too? Maybe she can be helped along on the delivery process.
Thank you so much for all of the replies, I really appreciate it...Im also trying to learn how to navigate the site...So I just checked back this morning. Her temps are between 80-85 degrees with a basking lamp of about 95 degrees. I thought maybe she was too hot but I wasn't too sure. I was reading the Raising Kitty Journals and found it interesting that she didn't use a basking lamp at all.
I looked up a vet last night, and I am going to check on Ruby when I get home after work tonight and give her a call. I will also post pictures of her when I get home, and maybe you all could take a look.
If she is eggbound, wouldn't I have observed her digging at some point? She has always had a lay bin in her cage...And never once did I see her digging around. I have tried to be as observant as possible too.
She is fine climbing in her cage and doesn't seem to be weak.
She may have had eggs at one point that cracked inside of her, which would be why she isnt laying any eggs or digging. It would also explain why shes mouth breathing. I would take her to the vet, I just had a panther pass away 2 weeks ago from similar symptoms.
I have a 4 MONTH old female Carpet Cham with same symptoms. Doesn't look fat and not digging but VERY restless for nearly two weeks now. She even escaped from her cage the other day and was found settled low down when there were plenty of opportunity to climb upwards. I have put a laying bin in her cage but she has not dug in it. More than a bit concerned!
Belle, I have no experience in carpet chameleons. If you can't find any real help here about it, I would call into a local reptile shop and have her looked at real quick (it's free). Then if you can't find help there then I would advise going to the vet, although treatment for these animals can be very expensive. You'd need to see a specialist. Theres my 2 cents.

I have a 4 MONTH old female Carpet Cham with same symptoms. Doesn't look fat and not digging but VERY restless for nearly two weeks now. She even escaped from her cage the other day and was found settled low down when there were plenty of opportunity to climb upwards. I have put a laying bin in her cage but she has not dug in it. More than a bit concerned!
Thanks blik97 - I took advice and was told that as long as she was moving and eating well, not to worry. the very next day she calmed right down and seems to be back to normal. Big relief. Seems carpets can carry eggs for up to 30 days and will usually drop them even if there is no laying bin, but I have provided one just in case. Possibly just a case of becoming mature?
Belle, I have no experience in carpet chameleons. If you can't find any real help here about it, I would call into a local reptile shop and have her looked at real quick (it's free). Then if you can't find help there then I would advise going to the vet, although treatment for these animals can be very expensive. You'd need to see a specialist. Theres my 2 cents.
And thank you for the article about the laying bin. I did read that last night and it was very helpful!!
Hi - how is Ruby now? My girl has calmed down, although I am leaving the bin in there as a precaution. Hope yours is okay
She may have had eggs at one point that cracked inside of her, which would be why she isnt laying any eggs or digging. It would also explain why shes mouth breathing. I would take her to the vet, I just had a panther pass away 2 weeks ago from similar symptoms.
Chameleon eggs don't "crack", the egg shells are like soft leather. Also don't know why this would explain her breathing through her mouth. When her mouth is open try to see deep down inside it, you're looking for excess mucous and/or bubbles, she may have a URI y infection. Another option is your temps seem too high, maybe try 85F. Basking temps and the lower sections of her cage between 72-80F.
I didn't catch what species we're talking about here. Post some pictures, it's usually very helpful.
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