So I got a 10g tank on saturday and bought 2 neon tetras and a ghost shrimp.
Then 2 days ago I bought 5 glo fish (zebra daino) and last night my ghost shrimp was found dead and now there are only 4 glofish and 1 tetra. There are no skeletons in the tank... Whats going on here?
When the fish die the others will eat it. What's left goes into your filter. Or the larger fish can be killing the others.
When did you add the fish? the tank probably hasn't cycled yet which is probably killing your little fishes.
Shrimps also love slim and dirt, a fresh tank doesn't haven't any. Without like food pellets that sink or those wafers you give to sucker fish he could go hungry.
Also do you have an opening at the back of your tank?. I bought some new fish, and within a couple of days, two were gone???? I found that my water level was too high and they had gotten out the back and I found them dried up on the floor behind the tank! Just a thought....