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my name is ray im from middle Tenn an have just purchased my frist chameleon.hoe i can learn more about its care an houseing.
i would agree and say read as much as you can, i looked at stuff on the web for about a week before i baught my first cham and i still could of done more
i bought it at a reptile show it a Fishers accuatly my son wanted a spider an centipede person myself.
Congarts on the Chemeleon. People here are really helpful!

What kind of cage do you have for the lil guy? How old is he?
as of right now he's in a 56gal tank a few plants an some natural vines i cut an dryed.the bottom is covered with peatmoss.i made a fogger out of a cool mist humidifer.
I am not a expert on Fishers Chameleons, but I can tell you the basics on chameleon care. I have never kept the species before.
He needs to be in a fully screened cage.
Lighting needs to be a Retisun 5.0. this provides UVB which is essential for strong bones. One regular house bulb for UVA.
Chameleons dont dring from standing water. They need a dripping system.
I'm not sure on temperatures.
Supplement should be:
Mon and Thurs-Calium: Rep Cal
Tues and Fri- vitamins: Herptivite
Wed and Sat- Miner-All(I)
Listen to the advice people give on here. They can help you do whats best for the Chameleon, so he doesn't die from preventable things.
I've kept a number of Fischer's over the years. In the beginning I kept them in glass cages and they did well. I now keep them in cages that have screen lids and screen fronts with three sides and the floor made of glass and they still do well as long as they are well watered. Fischer's are definitely big drinkers in my experience.

The cages have a double fluorescent hood over them that has one normal white fluorescent tube light and one Repti-sun 5.0 tube light. I don't usually use a basking light unless the temperature falls too low in the winter. The cage is "furnished" like any veiled or panther chameleons cage would be....branches, plants, etc.

If you get WC's (which is what is usually available) then as long as you can get the chameleon through the acclimation period they usually do well.
thanks for the sheets Justin an all that has replyed.i almost think he is a wc insted of cb.the ladie at the show said he was about 2yrs old he's a good 9in im going to the petshop see about a light right now im useing a cp spiral buld daylight.also going to pick up some crickets.all i have are roaches i raise for my Trantulas an centipedes an scorpions.the acclimation perion is going to be the hard part of my sons new pet.time will tell.
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