new here, with some concerns with my panthers


New Member
I have used many online sources for my panther questions. i find in almost every thread or site has conflicting info, from what my breeder told me.
I currently own 2 Female Ambanjas roughly 7-8 months old. They are both housed together in a 24x24x48 screen cage, they have been since they were 2-3 months old. I was told this was ok from the breeder but i read conflicting answers. I've never seen them fight and usually are bright orange. The last couple days they have been going in and out (more in) of really dark colors almost black. Today they haven't eaten any of their crickets. As directed by the breeder I've been feeding them crickets (occasional meal or silk worms) every day coated with calcium and d3. I have a automatic mister set every 3hrs for 45sec, a 18" fluorescent light and a heat lamp which keeps the temp around 78-82 degrees. My concern now is if i don't have 2 females and one is pregnant or they are going to have infertile clutches. Any insight or suggestions would be GREATLY APPRECIATED especially about sex and or pregnant.


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calcium with D3 should only be used twice a month or so, you need calcium without d3 for every feeding
They are both definitely ladies. With panthers it's relatively easy to sex them. Other than males usually showing way more colors, and females showing mostly pink, males have a bulge right before their vent (butt)

Hope you can tell by that picture.

Chameleons shouldn't be housed together as adults. They might not seemed stressed but they are solitary animals. You should seperate them as soon as you can. And watch them to make sure they aren't fighting. When you say "florescent bulb" what do you mean by it?

And d3 should only be supplemented twice a month. Or once every 2 weeks. You need a Repti-calcium without d3 to supplement every feeding, a multi-vitamin twice a month, and d3 twice a month.

Hope this helps :)

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The first one looks to be gravid to me. They are both reaching or have reached sexual maturity. Could both be gravid, claiming territory or both. I suggest separating them and providing both with their own suitable place to deposit eggs.
I have used many online sources for my panther questions. i find in almost every thread or site has conflicting info, from what my breeder told me.
I currently own 2 Female Ambanjas roughly 7-8 months old. They are both housed together in a 24x24x48 screen cage, they have been since they were 2-3 months old. I was told this was ok from the breeder but i read conflicting answers. I've never seen them fight and usually are bright orange. The last couple days they have been going in and out (more in) of really dark colors almost black. Today they haven't eaten any of their crickets. As directed by the breeder I've been feeding them crickets (occasional meal or silk worms) every day coated with calcium and d3. I have a automatic mister set every 30min for 45sec, a 18" fluorescent light and a heat lamp which keeps the temp around 78-82 degrees. My concern now is if i don't have 2 females and one is pregnant or they are going to have infertile clutches. Any insight or suggestions would be GREATLY APPRECIATED especially about sex and or pregnant.

Hi there, I hope I can help a little. First off let me say, if it were me, I would remove one female, and house them separately. Also, as far as supplements go, your feeders need to be dusted with Calcium W/O D3 at every feeding, Calcium W/D3 twice a month, and you also need to use a multivitamin like Herptivite twice a month. A correct supplementing schedule is very important. Also, as far as misting goes, Im not 100 percent on this, but it seems a bit much. I like to let my enclosure dry out before misting again. 3-5 times a day should be sufficient, and consider running a dripper for the rest of the time.

As far as your Panthers go, they both look female to me. It is very possible at this age for them to lay infertile clutches. If it were me, I would separate them ASAP, and put a laying bin in BOTH enclosures. 70% washed play sand to 30% organic soil, and it need to be at least 12 inches deep. I use trash cans. It is absolutely imperative that these females be provided a laying bin, SEPARATELY, or it is very possible for them to become egg bound, and die. If they are not trying to lay now, it is very likely they will be soon, given their ages.

EDIT:Looking at the first picture again, she really does look gravid...I wold take care of this as quickly as possible, or risk losing her
Both females for sure. I think the first female is Gravid. Yes they need to be in there own cages. 18x18x36 is a good female cage size. is cheap and has really good cages. Calcium w/D3 every dusting is too much. They need Calcium w/o D3 every day now that they are producing eggs. But only very very lightly.

If I may ask. What breeder did you get them from?
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