New Import

i drove over to my uncles cham farm, and he got a new import of a rare panther called Nosy-Varika i've never seen one he said he's gonna be one of the first captive breeders ever. here's a pic

how much is the one in that picture going for? Those are great colors!
i drove over to my uncles cham farm, and he got a new import of a rare panther called Nosy-Varika i've never seen one he said he's gonna be one of the first captive breeders ever. here's a pic

A chameleon farm in Texas huh?

Just you wait till my Nosy Tiki’s get here. Blue and orange with a tribal stripe pattern.
I will only sell a few every year and they will be sold for $892 cash which must be sent in the mail.

You are at the top of the list! :)
could you save me one if i can convince him to get a nosy tiki
and could you send me a pic cuz im interested
Chad, I totally want on that list! (just as long as you don't make me pay for the paypal fee....;))
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