New jackson concern

well moutain chameleon needs a high level of UV Devokid. Cool temperature, yes but if the animal is sick it's better to be above. I breeded this species with reproductions etc.. and to be honest they like a high level of temperature and Uv. Clearly, outside it's the best way if you have the right weather now... not the case in France now :) again just advice to help from my side

Fredco, What you have experienced does not track with many keepers here in the US. I have kept jackson's too and never found that they prefer high temperatures or intense light. They may occur at higher altitudes in the wild than some other species, but they are not usually exposed to intense unfiltered sunlight. They are forest obligates, so the UV would be filtered by canopy foliage. If you could offer some citations to back up this information that would be great.
Hi Carlton, first of all, i hope we will have fresh sounds about the current thread. Well my opinion after many years to keep Jacksoni is, clearly Xantho needs a high level of UV. I breeded them through VITALUX 300 w more than 1 hour per day. It's logical at the end. The level of UV in the mountain is high. We know that a cloudy weather is not a barrier against UV.
Yes they need a deep vegetation, humidity but they like UV and temperature high for few hours, that you can reach with Vitalux. As i explained, i keeped, breeded my Trioceros in a greenhouse, like real condition. I spent years to Watch them and so on. It's only my experience, not the truth. If i am not wrong, during 2006 to 2008 i kept more than 100 trioceros chameleons, 220 total, too much... (sorry for my frenglish man)
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