New Jackson's Chameleons (help appreciated)


New Member
Hello all, I'm new to the forums and to Chameleons as of this week. I bought a pair from ChameleonCans (off of here).. and for the record: I would've posted this in the specialized section of the forum but I'm not allowed to post there yet. Bear with me ;)

Here's my question: supposedly I bought a batch supposedly from May 12th. That's just over 4 months of time from the hatch date. These guys are incredibly small at right around 1.50" a piece (from nose up to where their base of the tail is curled). I'm not trying to be a skeptic, but that seems.. well, small. Roughly the size of my thumb, and I've got small hands. To my own error - I should've asked how big they were instead of just assuming they'd be a decent size by that age, and ChameleonCans was honest with me about everything to my knowledge. They are eating and drinking right from the start in their new cage, so I assume that's a good sign.

Can someone educate me on the growth rate for these guys? Just trying to get an idea of what to expect as well as monitoring them for healthy growth since this is my first venture into the world of chameleons. I know Chameleons require careful watch to ensure their integrity, and I just want to start off on the right foot doing things correctly. I've already read up on husbandry and I've got that taken care of.

also - do females have the upper horn nubs when they're this small? I would imagine the female would always be absent of the upper horns and the front horn would be less pronounced, even at a younger state.. correct?
Well I'm new to this also but from researching I've learned that for a reptile chameleons have a very short life expectancy in captivity (around 6 years). I'm assuming full growth with be around 2 years. But that's just my 2 cents on the subject. Good luck raising the little fellas :)
this is Sherlock he was born on May 6th of this year and this picture was taken 2 weeks ago-


  • sherlock.jpg
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Very helpful, thank you (to both of you, actually).

It appears based on the pictures I have a newborn like I thought. Either that, or some stunted growth I guess. I bought 1,000 small crickets today (a step above pinheads as they're too small) and even those seem a little big, as one of them tried to eat one and spit it out accordingly.

Kplatvoet, your chameleon is still bigger than both of mine.

A frustrating first start I guess, but I'll get things figured out.

I'll see if I can get a picture uploaded for reference from my phone.
Mine is still eating fruitflys- the big ones Hydei- which are a pain - and small phoenix worms - also staple flies ( along with his crickets- I got him some small silkworms but they outgrew him-
My panther was 4 months when I got him but seemed younger than that as compaired to pictures of ones his own age- he had a growth leap at about 6 months so they do grow at different rates.
I would love to see pictures of your babies- I always thought sherlock was small for his age - but I really don't know - actually I was told yesterday by someone that Sherlock could be a girl - They weren't totally sure (as it was a pretty bad picture) but now I keep looking at the tip of his/her nose-
I would love to see pictures of your babies- I always thought sherlock was small for his age - but I really don't know - actually I was told yesterday by someone that Sherlock could be a girl - They weren't totally sure (as it was a pretty bad picture) but now I keep looking at the tip of his/her nose-

I've got one solid picture on my phone.. I just need to find the cord so I can upload it, haha. They're small. I don't think ChameleonCans did me over, I think these guys are just small I guess. I did some measurements last night and it appears these guys are about 2.5 inches from nose to tail tip (not curled).
The biggest problem at that size is finding food that is small enough for them quickly - it's not hard to get stuff shipped but there's something about paying 4 times as much for shipping as for the actual food item that makes me crazy- or having the food grow faster than the chameleon. I finally got smart did my own fruit fly cultures and have so many fruit flies that I know he'll never be hungry- I have a local place and I buy him small crickets one dozen at a time but I have some that may or may not hatch out soon- he gets staple flies and phoenix worms- I buy the phoenix worms from phoenix worms as the fake ones I got had been sitting in the store for too long and didn't work well for him. Silk worms he got to have 2 or 3 before they were too big. (I've been reading up on hatching them and I did locate a couple of mullbery trees for the spring) I'm going to order some silk worm eggs next time -
I am no expert - jdog's posts are probably some of the best on Jacksons - Lovereps (i'm pretty sure that that is the right name) and Littleleaf give good advice - I'm glad you did your home work on care - most of the bad advice I've seen is from people like me who are new and think we know everything- the best I've found is from reading two old hands arguing on different care techniques-

Jax babies just grow ssllooowwww. I got a group of 8 that were born on 8/5/13. If wasn't for the unexpected surprise of some premie babies, I would not have noticed any growth. Fruit flies and 1/8 sized crickets (i got thru them and pick out the useable & grow out the rest) are about the best foods. Remember smaller foods will encourage growth more so than larger ones. Easier to digest also.
Looks like I lost one last night... Meh. I did everything right, so I really don't know what the problem was. I did see one of the two sleeping for long(er) periods throughout the day, though... I'm assuming that's the one that died. My temperatures are correct, the humidity is right, etc...

No clue. I'll post a picture of the body later tonight to see what you all think. I see white splotches on the body, particularly around the mouth. It appears the Chameleon may have died while just hanging upside down during the night and finally let go.
oh no! please do update, thought about picking one up myself next week. May wait till they're a little older then... :(

That's what I found this morning. I set the body aside and came back tonight to find the pigmentation is furthering white in color. I assume it's simply a part of the degrading process I guess. Still kind of upsetting. I've literally done everything I can to ensure these guys were healthy and I've lost one with the ONLY sign being prolonged sleeping times.. not even sluggishness, just sleeping. I was worried about it when I saw it, but he/she was only doing it for the past two days so I was waiting to see if it was going to last longer. Unfortunately, it died today so that won't be happening I guess.

A very rough start for keeping chameleons, but I'll keep pushing forward. I hope my other one makes it.
How many are you keeping and in what size cage? A fight for food is prominent in chameleons this age and it can definitely effect the chameleons from what I've seen
How many are you keeping and in what size cage? A fight for food is prominent in chameleons this age and it can definitely effect the chameleons from what I've seen

2 feet by 2 feet cage. Only two were in the cage together until I got the other cage setup. Now there's just one left. Hope he/she makes it..

Humidity is fine; I mist heavily 3 times a day and have live plants in the encloser. Temperatures are anywhere from 71 degrees to 77 degrees depending on the location. I also have the fan on and an air purifier to help cycle air in the room and around the cage.

I've done everything I can, I feel.
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