New Jacksons


New Member
Hey guys im new here my names caleb and i have plenty of experience in reptiles and some experience in chameleons. I have 2 veileds and have bred them in the past. The last reptile show i picked up a baby jacksons chameleon about 3 inches total size and hes in a fresh air cage by ESU its 24high 24 long and 12 wide. My concern is that he hasnt been eating much the show was last sunday when i bought him and i have only saw him eat 3 crickets he may have eaten when i wasnt home he has been going to the bathroom regurally and drinking great. The temps are 72 ambient and 81.3 basking area. He has a hanging plant in his cage and a big fake vine. Humidity is a constant 60-70% sometimes dropping a little lower till the misting system kicks on. Any ideas why he hasnt been eating a whole lot if you guys want pictures let me know ill post them within the hour if you do.

Thanks guys
Someone will probably post this to fill out, I know some information is redundant, but it allows an easier to view format.

Cage Info:

* Cage Type - Describe your cage construction (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions?
* Lighting - What brand, model, and type of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?
* Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps?
* Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity?
* Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?
* Location - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?

Chameleon Info:

* Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care?
* Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?
* Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders?
* Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?
* Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking?
* Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites?
* History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.
* Current Problem - The current problem that you are concerned about.

Pictures are helpful

Can't really drop a lot of advice with my experience, but has he had a fecal yet?
Cage Info:

* Cage Type - 24*24*18 Screen Cage

* Lighting - Zoo Med 5.0 UVB 60 watt zoo med daylight heat bulb
* Temperature - Ambient is 72 and Basking is 81.3 Lowest overnight Temp is 68-70 digital exo terra temp guages
* Humidity - 60-70% Automatic Misting System/ Digital Humidity Guage
* Plants - No live plants fake plants and vines
* Location - Corner of my Bed Room. No vents or traffic or fans running. On a stand about 3 feet off the ground

Chameleon Info:

* Your Chameleon - Jackson Male and 2-3 Months. Since March 1st
* Handling - Never
* Feeding - Small Crickets 4-5 a day in a cup gut loading with cricket gels and dark leefy greens
* Supplements - reptical viets and mins and calicum and every other feeding
* Watering - Mistking system, every 4 hours and 1 minute and if the humidity goes lower a hand held mister and yes he drinks regurally
* Fecal Description - brown and white daily and yes clean of parasites
* History - Nothing that im aware of.
* Current Problem - Just worried about his eatting schedule only saw him eat 3 crickets since ive had him he may eat more during the day while im at school he seems to have good body weight and is very active


where are you located???
i recently got a female jackson, maybe down the road we can try to breed them? i know a couple of people interested around my town.
couple of observation:
1. put more plants in the cage. Better get real plants for him.
Give him 1 clearance area for his basking spot and give him many coverage for him to hide. Hiding area = him feeling safe and happy = eating well

2. If he still not eating well after a week or so, you better start looking for vet just in case.
here is a good site:

3. Another observation is he could be stressed from getting into new environment.
Usually, shy chameleons will not eat much during the initial adaptation to new territory.

4. go check this site:

5. I am not an expert in Jackson, as I never had one.
To other members who are familiar with their physiology, is the lips on 2nd picture normal? seems a bit big to me..
but, then it could be a normal looking lips on Jackson.
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Hey, I raise and breed Jacksons, From what I see your little Guy looks pretty healthy. He is still growing so should be eating well, but that does not mean he may not be interested in food at times. As long as he is drinking well and does eat at least some every couple of days. I wouldnt be alarmed yet. Great cage! I do suggest more cover (plants) in there. They seem to like it abit more thick than that. He may eat beter when he feels more comfortable with his setup! Go out and get a Ficus or such to put in there that is big enough to go from bottom to allmost the top. If its real thick when you buy it, just trim it up and thin it out some, so he can walk around within it fairly easily. Trim up on some cardboard or something and let sit outside the cage for a day as tree will drip its sap all over for abit.
Lastly try other food sources that just crickets. Mine love roaches the best for some reason, and I throw in some Silkworms and hornworms once in a while. (hornworms grow faster than that little guy could eat them. Unless you have a Bearded dragon or such to devour anything that gets to big for that guy.)
Yea check his mouth out as Dodolah says, it could be something. I do notice Jacksons sort of have that look to their mouths naturally. But check it out just in case.

I do feel he just needs more cover and when happy he will eat.

Also since that is a big enough cage. I would go find some dead bush or branches (clean them well ) from your nieborhood to add in for climbing around on.
okay ill get him some branches from outside and steralize them his lips seem fine i did notice in that picture they look a little funny but i have more plants i will add to his cage i have some hibiscus cuttings that should be getting ready anytime now ill move some of them in when they are good. Anything else that you guys see that im doing wrong?

Thanks for all your time
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