New Johnstonii

Hatch day!!! One out and more coming.

Also my Rwenzori female laid her second clutch yesterday. They are infertile. I didn't breed her after she laid her first clutch but she started developing eggs soon after she laid the first clutch. My Bwindi was bred again after her first clutch and should lay her second clutch soon.

Congrats Craig!

You always have such great succecss with all of your animals. :)
Congrats Craig!

You always have such great succecss with all of your animals. :)

Thanks Jann. Lots going on around here lately. The Katydids finally laid eggs. Two clutches of Johnstonii hatching soon and two gravid Merus about to give birth. Going to have my hands full.:)
My second clutch of johnstonii are hatching today. 4 out and 7 to go. I took some pictures but they suck. I'll try again later when I get home from work.

So far the first clutch of Bwindi's are all doing great. I worry though after hearing of another keeper losing most if not all of theirs. Fingers crossed.
My second clutch of johnstonii are hatching today. 4 out and 7 to go. I took some pictures but they suck. I'll try again later when I get home from work.

So far the first clutch of Bwindi's are all doing great. I worry though after hearing of another keeper losing most if not all of theirs. Fingers crossed.
2 clutches already? My first is still in the incubator. You are definitely living up to your name.

There seems to be live action at the Action Jackson house!
Well, you'll have lots of practice with babies by then and all the cages set up!lol I see your female rates enough to get a sacred grasshopper!
Lol. Yeah, I thought I was done buying cages but now I'll have 20 johnstonii to house on top of all the Meru's. My wife was kind enough to remind me that one day I may have a bunch of Parsonii to house too.:)
Congrats on the newbies! they look fantastic, will be interested in how you keep them for their initial first few weeks.
Congrats on all the success you are having with the johnston's! Your pictures are amazing as well. Really makes me want some.
It's been awhile since I updated this thread. I had 7 eggs incubating from a captive pairing of my Bwindi's. 5 of those eggs hatched and 2 did not.They were born on 11/30. All 5 are doing great.

Today my Bwindi female who was mated with the same male laid 13 eggs all of which look good. Fingers crossed.

I have kept several of the males and females from my earlier hatching from 7/27 and 8/7. They all continue to do great and weigh about 16 grams each.
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