New Male Veiled not eating :(

ive tried both, either way he can walk right by them. he'll look at them, but doesnt want to eat them.
Keep trying. Try small silkworms or cockroach nymphs also. That may get him to eat. Keep trying! He's so little he may be super stressed...
Ive tried silkworms,little tiny baby super worms, fruitflies, ect.. no luck.
I guess he just needs a little more time to acclimate.
I really do appreciate you all being so helpful and supportive.
Does he have time to himself? Leave him be And hopefully he'll eat. If I were you, after you noticed he's been eating I'd only cup feed to monitor feeding
yes, he has plenty of alone time, i hardly ever handle him. but i guess i could just leave his room as much as possible.
well he seems to be doing a little better, hes drinking up a storm from the drip system, i know that dehydration can make them lose their appetites so maybe hes on the road to recovery.
I wouldnt dare when hes already so stressed. but anyway he started eating last night, ate 3 waxworms and a cricket. yay :D
That's great that he started eating.

I second the advise that you got earlier about his cage. It's really too big for him.

I'm also worried about your watering system, I don't know what kind of setup you're using. You have so few leaves in your setup, and your setup is so large, I would worry that your little guy is able to readily find his water. Mistings are great, but he needs a regular drip going at least twice a day, and the drip should last for at least 20 minutes to an hour.

My initial thinking is that his appetite was low because of dehydration. Work on keeping him hydrated and his appetite should return.

I'd stick with fruit flies, pinhead crickets, and houseflies at his age. You seem to be doing good with feeders, small superworms should be fine, just no mealworms.
You have a drip system running constantly? How does the water leave the acge? you do not want any standing water unless you clean it like all the time(atleast 3 times a week) they are a bacteria factory. The best thing to do with a chameleon so tiny and young as that one is to just let them be alone except for putting the food in/ filling the dip cup once or twice a day. Any for sure make the cage smaller with dividers for now so if he falls he doesn't hurt himself and so he can hunt and get water easier. Also Big Apple Herpetological Supply is not a well respected herpetological group to my knowledge. They are just a reptile supply company that sells certain reptiles commonly found at pet shops. I also saw that a baby veiled cham ont hheir website is $69.99+ like $40 for shipping!?!? That is insane. At local petshops they are usaully $35-$40 Tops and at any local reptile show people sell them for$20 buck(atleast thats how much they are around here in michigan) I do know a guy who bought 4 crested gecko's from them and two were dead on arrival. He had to pay shipping to send the dead ones back fro inspection, wait a week for them to have a vet inspect that he was not the cause of their death, answer a bunch of husbandry questions, then pay the shipping for the two new ones that were replacing the other two. After seeing that I would never buy anything from them again, even things that don't die like supplies. They are just very over priced and I really question the health of their animals. In the future it is always a good call to buy any live chameleon from a well known breeder or a well respected forum member, then you know they are in the best of health. Good luck with your little guy, he is so tiny and cute. I love pics of all baby chams.

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