New member intro


New Member

I wanted to introduce myself. I have been larking as a guest for awhile doing research on Veiled Chameleons. I have been a long time snake owner and have always loved reptiles. As a kid, I would scour the neighbor hunting Fence and Horney Toad lizards. My mother would always make me turn them loose when I brought them home. The first thing I bought for my new apartment when I moved out was a Burmese Python. That was 35 years ago and many snakes later. My last snake was a female Ball Python. After years of watching her brood infertile eggs, she would never allow me to remove, I gave her to a breeder because it was breaking my heart. She was too good of a Mommy to never allow her to hatch a clutch of eggs.

It was time for a new reptile. After researching the Veil on your forum, I purchased a nine month old male Veil about a month ago. I call him Little Dude because he is so much smaller than any python I’ve owned. I want to thank you all for the wealth of information on your forum. It made it easy for me to learn about a new reptile and the associated environment. I purchased a male because I could not emotionally handle another female reptile with infertile eggs. May be Chameleons lay their eggs and walk away, I never researched that far, it wasn’t a consideration.

With all of your unknowing help, Little Dude seems to be happy and healthy. He is not friendly, but I did not buy him to be a lap dog. He will allow me to hand feed him and go into his enclosure, but not within his bubble. He has been incredibly fascinating to watch. He is shedding for the first time, very different from a snake.

I joined the forum to publicly thank you all and Little Dude thanks you also. I hope to continue learning from you all. Thank you again for your outstanding forum.
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