New Nosy be Kammers baby!


New Member
This little guy arrived on Wednesday 9/28 and hatched on 6/11/11 and is sired by Nihlus





He's going on 4 months... I'm stuck between names for him I had wanted it to be Crixus but if you ever watched Spartacus he doesnt have that fire in him lol he's a scared little one plus my girl dnt see him as a crixus lol so I thought of naming him Spartacus or Kratos we are leaning towards Kratos though.
He's going on 4 months... I'm stuck between names for him I had wanted it to be Crixus but if you ever watched Spartacus he doesnt have that fire in him lol he's a scared little one plus my girl dnt see him as a crixus lol so I thought of naming him Spartacus or Kratos we are leaning towards Kratos though.

I loved that show!! So sad that the actor who played Spartacus just died :( I think they are all great names... he will surely grow into his warrior name in due time :)
Yes I know, in due time he will get there eventually... I'm into warrior names and ancient mythological was Very sad to hear that the guy died. So much potential It was an awesome show
Yes I know, in due time he will get there eventually... I'm into warrior names and ancient mythological was Very sad to hear that the guy died. So much potential It was an awesome show

I love those kind of names too... named my ambilobe Leonidas after the ancient king of sparta :D It's always sad to see someone so young and full of life lose their battle with cancer. I myself am a cancer survivor, was diagnosed with Leukemia when I was only 15 yrs old. I'm very lucky to be here, been in remission for over 10 years.. but stories like that still ring very close to home.
I love those kind of names too... named my ambilobe Leonidas after the ancient king of sparta :D It's always sad to see someone so young and full of life lose their battle with cancer. I myself am a cancer survivor, was diagnosed with Leukemia when I was only 15 yrs old. I'm very lucky to be here, been in remission for over 10 years.. but stories like that still ring very close to home.

Wow God Bless and my best wishes for you and your fight! Cancer runs in my family so Ive seen in a way what it is to be a fighter and a survivor. Teenage years are a rough age to go through extremely rough situations.. I went through some of my own in my late teens but our struggles definitely make us who we are today... Again my bests goes out to you... And Leonidas is one one of my favorite if not my favorite movie character and 300 is my fav movie, the actual story is great as well... Im really into ancient Pharaoh names and roman emperor names as well

Thank you for the complements and d3s5 I've seen your little guy and a few others sired by Nhilus and they look like they will all be lookers!
Wow God Bless and my best wishes for you and your fight! Cancer runs in my family so Ive seen in a way what it is to be a fighter and a survivor. Teenage years are a rough age to go through extremely rough situations.. I went through some of my own in my late teens but our struggles definitely make us who we are today... Again my bests goes out to you... And Leonidas is one one of my favorite if not my favorite movie character and 300 is my fav movie, the actual story is great as well... Im really into ancient Pharaoh names and roman emperor names as well

Thank you very much!! It was a blessing in disguise, gave me a different perspective and appreciation for whats important in life :) 300 is an awesome movie and i love Leonidas's character too! Have always been fascinated by history, ancient civilizations.. greeks romans egyptians.. pretty cool stuff!
I def vote for Kratos, because it starts with a "K"!!!
in honor of your ideals and the Kammers!!
But then we all know Im a little kooky with the "K" thing!!
Thank you for the comments!!! Ive always seen so many good looking chams and people speaking highly of the kammers, so I'm happy to have joined the prestigious Kammer club!

Thank you very much!! It was a blessing in disguise, gave me a different perspective and appreciation for whats important in life :) 300 is an awesome movie and i love Leonidas's character too! Have always been fascinated by history, ancient civilizations.. greeks romans egyptians.. pretty cool stuff!

You are very much welcome... Thats the best we can do is look for blessings and light in dark times, I try my best to take bad situations and see what good can be taken from it.. Im a strong believer in taking good from the bad... And 300, ancient civs, chams...! you have great taste!!!

I def vote for Kratos, because it starts with a "K"!!!
in honor of your ideals and the Kammers!!
But then we all know Im a little kooky with the "K" thing!!
Great!! you are making a perfect case with that one. so I guess thats one big step closer to finalizing it. :D
Is it me or are the pictures coming out huge??? I posted them using my iPad and they look normal there but now on my computer they are blown up!:confused:...Any way to fix this?
He's so pretty! Welcome to the Kammer's Klan! I've got a male Ambilobe from Kammer's - sired by "Sun Tiger." He's about 8 months old now and the best cham ever! Kammer's breeds the best. :)
Santi, yeah they are pretty big!!

where have you and Kirby been??
We have missed you!, Im so glad you popped in, now I kow you guys are good!!
an email of big boy Kirby would be awesome!!
He's so pretty! Welcome to the Kammer's Klan! I've got a male Ambilobe from Kammer's - sired by "Sun Tiger." He's about 8 months old now and the best cham ever! Kammer's breeds the best. :)

Thank you!!! It's such an exciting and different experience than was with my female veiled which was an impulse pet shop buy.. She's great too though!:D
Santi, yeah they are pretty big!!

Oh man :eek: I'm guessing there's no way to change that now after the fact?
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